2022... disappointed!

I disagree, been riding only Yamaha sleds since the early 80's and have never wanted to swap out a suspension for a different brand. And you couldn't give me a Sidewinder! The only thing the sidewinder has is speed.
You must not have driven a winder to say such a thing!I love my apex too but the winder is all around better in all areas..
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I agree i will keep driving my apex until Yamaha start to care and just quit put stickers on on someone else 's stuff that all also includes all the dumb looking FXR jackets that they just put a yamaha logo on they have gotten LAZY.
They could bring back the nytro frame with new geometry..still not much info on the singleshot skid yet
Since this thread has gotten slightly derailed here's my contribution...

80 miles a day on my sidewinder and I was beat and sore hardly could ride the next day. 200 miles a day on my Apex and felt like I hardly rode and was ready to ride another 200 the next day. My sidewinder made 4 trips back to the dealership in 2 seasons and 1200 miles for leaks and vibrations. My Apex has been to the dealership 1 time in 9 seasons and 14,400miles for a PS issue.

I had 1 for 2 season and 1200 miles, but I kept my Apex.
? Did you contract Covid and not aware? 80 miles on a sidewinder is a tease...I'd be very disappointed if all I could do is 80 miles in a day..Ok, maybe some trial areas are twisty and slower speeds are needed which makes doing big miles a challenge...places like the Andover/ Newry areas in Maine but still not a problem to get in 130 miles.
I'd suggest working out a bit before sled season...I'll certainly admit you need to hold on tight because this sled gives off plenty a G force.
I'd also suggest getting electric power steering, you'd be amazed how well you will feel at the end of the day ...if challenged physically the EPS is a real game changer. Joe
You.must not have driven a winder to say such a thing!I live my apex too but the winder is all around better in all areas..
I had a sidewinder for 2 seasons.
I am so on the fence about buying the Sidewinder GT with the PS. It would be the most AWESOME and Fastest handling sled I have ever owned or ridden. I just can't get by the reverse gear bushing and brake side drive shaft bearing issues.
I am so on the fence about buying the Sidewinder GT with the PS. It would be the most AWESOME and Fastest handling sled I have ever owned or ridden. I just can't get by the reverse gear bushing and brake side drive shaft bearing issues.
I wouldn't hesitate. I purchased a 2022 S/W GT EPS ( my 3rd Yamaha in this chassis) with no worries.
The upper gear bushing is an easy remedy that can addressed at first service, and by some accounts updated this year, and not all brake side bearings are affected. Not excusable but reality.
It's no different than buying hyfax, wheels, front end bushings, w-arms for the DB.
Sled is awesome. I cant wait for next year.
I am so on the fence about buying the Sidewinder GT with the PS. It would be the most AWESOME and Fastest handling sled I have ever owned or ridden. I just can't get by the reverse gear bushing and brake side drive shaft bearing issues.
Add up the miles on the odometers of my two Sidewinders and it will be over 16,000 miles, and except for a reverse actuator on one, and replacing a track (not the sled's fault) on the other, all I have done is routine maintenance. From what you read on this forum, the world is coming to an end because of the faulty bushings and bearings on the Sidewinder, and if you read it on the internet, it must be true. If we took everything we read on this forum to heart, we would all be riding a Polaris...or maybe a Skidoo...lord save us all!
When new colour choices come out, it can take some time to decide which ones you may prefer.
My pick is the ice blue version, it has really grown on me. However, it only has the base shocks and no power steering so it is off the table if I trade up, :(
I wouldn't hesitate. I purchased a 2022 S/W GT EPS ( my 3rd Yamaha in this chassis) with no worries.
The upper gear bushing is an easy remedy that can addressed at first service, and by some accounts updated this year, and not all brake side bearings are affected. Not excusable but reality.
It's no different than buying hyfax, wheels, front end bushings, w-arms for the DB.
Sled is awesome. I cant wait for next year.

You forgot Silicone, Belts, Primary clutch's, body panels, skis, wheels and driveshafts for excusable items.
You forgot Silicone, Belts, Primary clutch's, body panels, skis, wheels and driveshafts for excusable items.
Never had a problem with primary clutch, body panels, driveshaft, silicone(?) or belts.
I did replace my skis, the same skis that came on the Apex.....
I also forgot exhaust doughnuts, drive shafts, complete skid, skis, handle bars, handwarmer booster, thumb warmer booster, flex pipes, seats, radiator brackets, oil tanks, ear plugs and chiropractor bills for the DB

Whats your point??? That no sleds are perfect?? I agree
Or you totally disagree....
The Cat merger saved the Yamaha sled division.
If not for the Pro-Cross with Yamaha stickers I would have been done with Yamaha in 2013. I was so over their chassis by that time I was ready to move on. I had a 2005 RX, 2005 Rage and 2012 Apex. My back thanked me for buying a Viper in 2014.
Really Since 2003 you have been buying Yamaha for the motor, NO ONE bought them for the suspensions. Delta Box sleds have more suspension swaps done to them than any other sled made. Ski-Doo suspensions, ZX-2's, Expert-X's, M-10's, Polaris s and Cat skids plus more have all found their way into Yamaha chassis. Not to mention seat swaps....
But wait, the "build quality" was the best!!!! Who cares if the sled is not enjoyable to ride. How is changing a gear bushing any worse than having to replace a whole skid?
Ride whatever you want, I'll take my Sidewinder over any sled built today....
Perfectly said..;)!
Never had a problem with primary clutch, body panels, driveshaft, silicone(?) or belts.
I did replace my skis, the same skis that came on the Apex.....
I also forgot exhaust doughnuts, drive shafts, complete skid, skis, handle bars, handwarmer booster, thumb warmer booster, flex pipes, seats, radiator brackets, oil tanks, ear plugs and chiropractor bills for the DB

Whats your point??? That no sleds are perfect?? I agree
You forgot Y pipes and stators
I will say i ran into a die hard polaris friend who i have not seen since high school and?He is a die hard polaris guy and rode my winder and boom!!!enough said!!
The title of this thread, "2022...disappointed" is actually pretty ironic right now. I suppose that most of us had some degree of disappointment, wanting fixes for known issues, or we wanted different colors, or we wanted more 2-strokes in the line-up, or we wanted Japan built sleds, etc. etc., but the reality is that Yamaha's ultimate goal is to sell its product. Presumably, the best possible result for Yamaha would be for them to sell all their 2022 sleds quickly. Here we are in the middle of April 2021, and they are already well on the way to doing that. Thinking about ordering an SRX, nope, not this year, all sold out. How about an XTX LE, uh uh, that ship has sailed. How about my choice, the GT LTX EPS, yep available for the moment, but stock is so low the only way you will be guaranteed to get one is to spring order it.

While we may harbor our disappointments with the 2022 lineup, it is apparently a big hit with the buying public, and the only sleds that are not selling out are............wait for it..............the 2-strokes!
