2022 Preorder build dates/delivery dates

I got this on 1-27-2023
Yamaha Motorsports Email logo
Dear Rich,

Thank you for being a Spring Power Surge customer! We know many of you are still anxiously awaiting the arrival of your 2022 Yamaha Snowmobile. Here at Yamaha, we continue to work through supply chain constraints and production delays, while doing everything in our power to ship out 2022 Snowmobiles as quickly as possible.

We’ve informed all dealers of the latest delivery timing we expect for this season and will continue to update them as new information becomes available. In some cases, snowmobiles will arrive in the month of April.

We recognize this has a profound impact on many customer's riding plans, and for that we sincerely apologize.

If you’d like to cancel your deposit for a full refund, you may do so at any time by calling 1-800-962-7926. Please note that due to continuing supply chain challenges, 2023 Yamaha Snowmobiles may see price increases.

As further acknowledgement of the inconvenience to our customers, should you choose to keep your deposit in place and take delivery of a 2022 Yamaha Snowmobile, we will double your VISA gift card offer to $500.

Thank you for being a member of the Yamaha family and for your patience this season. If you have any additional questions regarding your order, please contact your Yamaha dealer.


Yamaha Snowmobiles USA
You mean 1/27/22 Someone needs to make these people come up with a fair settlement and this is not it … IMO. They have the resources to do better, much better period ….
Recreation vehicles are not a necessity.
Yamaha doesn't owe you anything!
Probably not a Yamaha issue but a supplier issue not doubt but, it has to be worked out through Yamaha… It could be Arctic Cat as they probably are now paying off 3 million lawsuit loss and with current tax laws companies don’t leave that kind of money laying around or lease the rumors are they were already alittle skinny…
They think missing a full snowmobile season and a full year of deprecation is only worth $250.00 is that what they are doing ?? Thats border line ridiculous… How about this … Whatever and whoever is responsible for this should be held accountable and anyone still waiting should get a new 2023 on time next fall with some extras to compensate properly.. Ya thats a fair settlement for those customers that snow checked…
Well at least Yamaha is offering something. I’m still waiting on my T-cat w/EPS and Arctic Cat has offered me Zilch, Nada, Nothing.
I might just get a boot in the A$$ and get told don’t let the door hit you in the A$$ on your way out after picking up my sled..
Or…. They could totally surprise me and say they’re offering me another year of warranty for being so amazingly patient on my ‘22 seeing how our winter is overwith here.
I do know it was loaded on a truck last Friday and on its way East.. I was told by my dealer it should be here by the end of the week or sometime early next week at the latest. Looks like I’m going to have to take a road trip far North to ride the new sled if I want to ride it before Spring.
I agree they are not a necessity, but after making a deposit, trading in 2 snowmobiles, buying all kinds of accessories for new snowmobiles, buying trail permits and booking trips, buying a used snowmobile to ride for the season, and waiting for the new snowmobiles for over a year to not arrive until the season is basically over. You have to admit the customer has a right to bitch about it.
Recreation vehicles are not a necessity.
Yamaha doesn't owe you anything!

Well when a dealer says "you'll have it for Christmas guaranteed" and it doesn't happen and costs you a couple grand somebody should be liable.

I for one am not expecting miracles but no freight/PDI, maybe an extra $500 off and throw in a couple belts...

I'd be ok with that, half makes up for the time I lost fixing friends stuff so I could borrow sleds, extra fuel to haul sleds around etc.
Well when a dealer says "you'll have it for Christmas guaranteed" and it doesn't happen and costs you a couple grand somebody should be liable.

I for one am not expecting miracles but no freight/PDI, maybe an extra $500 off and throw in a couple belts...

I'd be ok with that, half makes up for the time I lost fixing friends stuff so I could borrow sleds, extra fuel to haul sleds around etc.
Don't be too hard on your dealer they are only working with the info they have received.
Don't be too hard on your dealer they are only working with the info they have received.

I agree but somebody is gunna be stuck holding the bag, shouldn't be the customer.

Something fishy going on with these deliveries, people ordering day 1 and don't have sleds?
Recreation vehicles are not a necessity.
Yamaha doesn't owe you anything!
Recreational vehicles are not a necessity, and Yamaha is not a public utility, but Yamaha made a promise and took my money, and they doe owe me something. We have a legal contract; my guess is that if I went to court, all I would get back is my $500, but that is not my point. The point is that Yamaha's customer service has failed miserably. I see that at least one person got an apologetic email, but apparently my name didn't make it onto that list. Knowing that Yamaha reached out to some of its customers, but not to me, actually makes me feel worse!
Recreational vehicles are not a necessity, and Yamaha is not a public utility, but Yamaha made a promise and took my money, and they doe owe me something. We have a legal contract; my guess is that if I went to court, all I would get back is my $500, but that is not my point. The point is that Yamaha's customer service has failed miserably. I see that at least one person got an apologetic email, but apparently my name didn't make it onto that list. Knowing that Yamaha reached out to some of its customers, but not to me, actually makes me feel worse!
Did you check all your mailbox's? Mine was not in the main box.
Oh my …… You been waiting a year and the current year is over.. Now when you do get it, if you get it, it will have a one year depreciation weather you ride it or not…. Not very favorable Customer Service no matter how you look at it
I have said before that I’m paying full price for a new current sled and missing out on a season of riding to end up with a new year old sled that’s already depreciated a years value

An extra $250 on Visa card is a slap in the face
Something smells somewhere here , as you should have got one of the first made !!!
It was mentioned that all the U.S. purchases were being delivered , regardless of when .
In Canada Yamaha let us know in November that some of us
were not getting our spring orders , and in my case neither of the 2 I ordered , and my dealer had 7 of 35 orders cancelled .
I don't get why only Canada had cancellations ?
And not a peep about what compensation/consideration those of us will get in lieu of a sled that we didn't get this year .
They know how to get ahold of me , as they called me twice to confirm my orders .
I can understand orders not being filled in this difficult supply climate , but the way they have handled the non delivery , and late and getting later deliveries, has been puzzling to say the least .
Dealers should have demanded more from Yamaha , so they could convey to their customers in amore timely and informative manner .
No body likes to be ignored !
I agree but somebody is gunna be stuck holding the bag, shouldn't be the customer.

Something fishy going on with these deliveries, people ordering day 1 and don't have sleds?
It isn't fishy at all. The problem is that the OEMs can't get parts to finish sleds. My understanding is that the biggest shortage now is shocks. I was talking to the owner of another OEMs dealership the other day and they mentioned that one of the larger manufacturers has been told that only 25% of their 2023 production preorder can be guaranteed. This problem isn't going away for any of the manufacturers. IF you have a Winder L-TX LE ordered I will gladly give you $500, wait however long, and buy the sled when it shows up. A lot better than ordering a 2023 and being at the end of a long line.
It isn't fishy at all. The problem is that the OEMs can't get parts to finish sleds. My understanding is that the biggest shortage now is shocks. I was talking to the owner of another OEMs dealership the other day and they mentioned that one of the larger manufacturers has been told that only 25% of their 2023 production preorder can be guaranteed. This problem isn't going away for any of the manufacturers. IF you have a Winder L-TX LE ordered I will gladly give you $500, wait however long, and buy the sled when it shows up. A lot better than ordering a 2023 and being at the end of a long line.

What I mean by fishy is how is it that people on this forum have said "I ordered day 1" yet people who ordered day 10 ordered the same sled and have it.

They were supposed to be first come first served correct?
What I mean by fishy is how is it that people on this forum have said "I ordered day 1" yet people who ordered day 10 ordered the same sled and have it.

They were supposed to be first come first served correct?
Yes, I believe that Yamaha fills the orders in the order they were received. I have heard from multiple places that dealers don't all process orders the same way. Some put orders in as soon as they have the deposit, some put orders in at the end of the day, and some might put the orders in at the end of the week. I would think that Yamaha processes the orders as they receive them. Then there are the trolls who say they put an order in as soon as the dealer let them and the truth is they never ordered a thing and just want to stir the pot.
