22 XTX LE for trail riding?


Jan 15, 2022
Reaction score
2007 Yamaha Rage GT
Seen a 22 XTX LE with 27 miles for sale used, with the 1.6" lugs can these be used on trails or would it just eat up slides doing so.
Have sleds with 137" tracks and see some on trails that look longer, it's that lug height that makes me wonder.
My dad has 4,000 miles on his. He absolutely loves it compared to the 137 LTX it replaced.
We normally have good snow conditons and typically not very icey.
I have a X-TX with a 141 x 1 3/4 track that I primarily trail ride with Dupont sliders and scratchers and have had no issues. The bigger lug and longer tracks will never be able to handle in the twisties like a 129 or 137 shorter lug track but are still very rideable on the trails.
I forgot about studs for those lugs, we had warm weather and 2 days of rain in north central WI. and now ice on many corners to deal with.
I might have to rethink about staying with a sled with shorter lugs
I have run both the 1.25 studded and the 1.6 with i grips and much prefer the 1.6. Almost 8,000 km on it and it is still in good shape.
6600 miles on an xtx and have 2 new riot 9000’s now , all with 146x1.6 tracks and studded. Awesome trail sleds with great ride and TRACTION! No problems with slides, sold the xtx with the originals and all kinds of life left in them. Scratchers are factory installed, dont use them anymore then I ever did on my 137 ltx se with a 1.25 track. No problems running studs on these tracks.
I have two Viper XTX and both have back country 1.75 on now. We replaced the Cobra 1.6's at 20,000 km on each of them. We are 90% on trail and would not go back to a smaller lug.
going to 1.5" lug track on my 16 as soon as i wear out the stock 1.25" ripsaw II. have one on my 11 and love it (when i get to drive it).
We dragged our feet on the XTX and then bought 2- 2023 LTX GT's, had to drive to 2 different dealers a week apart, installed Rollerski's on one and ordered for other, so far they are great!
