300km ride today. Clutching review

I have never used the STM weights so I am not comfortable commenting on how to set them up.
I can say that with Daltons set to 80 grams, 35 degree helix with Cat green at 0-1 I have gone 1500 miles on the same belt. XS825 Ultimax. 270 tune.
Offset with the Hurricane bar and I allow it float out 2.5 mm.

What is your offset?
58.7mm is my offset


Like clutchmaster said, not all sleds are the same. On my ‘17 winder, I didn’t machine for offset and got 3800 miles only blowing 1 belt. My offset was around 60mm.
My offset is currently 57.5mm on my ‘19 and feel I should come back the other way towards 60mm.
Get those weights straightened out first. 7 grams in the tip is too much. Move it to the heal.
I have never used the STM weights so I am not comfortable commenting on how to set them up.
I can say that with Daltons set to 80 grams, 35 degree helix with Cat green at 0-1 I have gone 1500 miles on the same belt. XS825 Ultimax. 270 tune.
Offset with the Hurricane bar and I allow it float out 2.5 mm.

Which Dalton weights?
I have never used the STM weights so I am not comfortable commenting on how to set them up.
I can say that with Daltons set to 80 grams, 35 degree helix with Cat green at 0-1 I have gone 1500 miles on the same belt. XS825 Ultimax. 270 tune.
Offset with the Hurricane bar and I allow it float out 2.5 mm.
How much weight do you run?
I did around 1200-1500km whit dalton white! Always xs-825 (new timken) realy realy hard on sheaves a LOT more than the old one :-(.
Belt temp is very good and the sled have now a very good pull down low and in the midddle.
BIG BIG downside..... my sled eat primary roller for breakfast and i am#$%&*tired of it.
I just came back from a 900km in 2 days. Fast trail riding, my oillite primary bushing are already shot....:o|:confused:

I am about to change this cheap clutch
I'm no metalurgist but i think oil lite is too soft for this appl. You can however get harder oil lite material.
I did around 1200-1500km whit dalton white! Always xs-825 (new timken) realy realy hard on sheaves a LOT more than the old one :-(.
Belt temp is very good and the sled have now a very good pull down low and in the midddle.
BIG BIG downside..... my sled eat primary roller for breakfast and i am#$%&*tired of it.
I just came back from a 900km in 2 days. Fast trail riding, my oillite primary bushing are already shot....:o|:confused:

I am about to change this cheap clutch
That’s where I’m at , I chewed up a brand new set of Yamaha 14. 5 in 400km of fast trail riding . With the setting it’s on par with apex quality throttle response with big power on top end but won’t last :(.
I went back to 6-2 wrap on B/orange secondary last night, it’s not anywhere close to what is was .
Back to 6/3 - b/o for me......it ran great with this and cooler clutches, ultimax all fine so far.

Main reason is I did not see any big difference with bigger white except more heat on my type of trail(270) and lake(240) running. So i'm opting for less pressure on m TP rollers in aim to last as long as possible.

BTW near 2400 miles on TP rollers now, all good still. I do run less helix then many of you with red primary/2 glide washers and 77.3g.

I'm no metalurgist but i think oil lite is too soft for this appl. You can however get harder oil lite material.
660 bearing bronze is harder, ampco 18 or higher is really hard
