300km ride today. Clutching review

No. If you do a Search on EPI site and Dalton site and look on the Cat green specs, it is as follow:
All mesured at 2-1/2 and 1-7/16
EPI is 86-148
Cat green is 96-157
Dalton white is 98-165

So maybe a slight difference.

Cat green was 200rpm over the EPI at the same twist on top end.
My secondary is also warm at 0/1 but it performs best there with around 80g now. I dont suggest removing heel weight though as one member mentioned.
PF has his weights loaded all crazy with a tungsten 7 gram in the tip and only 7 in the heal, 270 tune and stm’s Needs a minimum of 10 grams in the heal to hold the belt. STMs push super hard on the big end, running 7 grams in the tip is too much, He needs to move the weight into the center and the heal to hold the belt better down low and prevent over shifting up top.
Some sleds run 60mm offset and some run 57mm it all depends on if the parallel is perfect or not.
PF has his weights loaded all crazy with a tungsten 7 gram in the tip and only 7 in the heal, 270 tune and stm’s Needs a minimum of 10 grams in the heal to hold the belt. STMs push super hard on the big end, running 7 grams in the tip is too much, He needs to move the weight into the center and the heal to hold the belt better down low and prevent over shifting up top.
Some sleds run 60mm offset and some run 57mm it all depends on if the parallel is perfect or not.

This is 100% correct great suggestions cm and totally makes sense regarding parallel.
No. If you do a Search on EPI site and Dalton site and look on the Cat green specs, it is as follow:
All mesured at 2-1/2 and 1-7/16
EPI is 86-148
Cat green is 96-157
Dalton white is 98-165

So maybe a slight difference.

Cat green was 200rpm over the EPI at the same twist on top end.

Dude those numbers are so close you wouldn’t even be able to tell the difference. Maybe dalton white wrapped 10 degrees less would act the same as the purple?
These springs generally have a tolerance of +- 10 percent accuracy.
Your splitting hairs.
I run the STM orange that’s rated 250@ 1 7/16”
On 270hp, I have no problem opening that spring on top end. In fact I would race any 270hp Winder across the lake for $$$$.
My top speed if phenomenal. The problem I have is at trail speeds my clutches are hottter than at top speeds.
Im also willing to bet not everyone washes and scrubs their belts in hot soapy water and lets them dry for a day or so then heat cycles them a few times before running the piss out of them. It does help.
Im also willing to bet not everyone washes and scrubs their belts in hot soapy water and lets them dry for a day or so then heat cycles them a few times before running the piss out of them. It does help.
I definitely believe that also. Also let it warm up some in the morning before pounding on it with 270hp and almost 200ftlb of torque!
No. If you do a Search on EPI site and Dalton site and look on the Cat green specs, it is as follow:
All mesured at 2-1/2 and 1-7/16
EPI is 86-148
Cat green is 96-157
Dalton white is 98-165

So maybe a slight difference.

Cat green was 200rpm over the EPI at the same twist on top end.

Test it for yourself, install it in the clutch and use the drill press with a scale under it. You will see the difference twist makes and can also see how much of a difference secondary roller brands make. Watch the scale numbers as you push down and let off, you'll see how much stiction the rollers have from pressure to release. Its the best way I have found to test springs and twist between them, its the way the machine will actually view them too!

Take a reading as you just push down to open the driven and let off just a bit. then take a reading as you bottom it out and let off a bit. Compare springs with compression and twist combined as seen in your clutch.

You will be amazed at what you find.

On my machine with 285hp. I go with sidewinder primary loaded with hhy 68 with 1/2 inch set sqrew in heel and 3/8 steel in middle and in top i go with 3/8 steel with one thick washer, 14.5mm rollers with tp bushings. In org sidewinder secondary i have 41-37 cat green twisted 0-1 with tp rollers. I use 8dn belt have no problems with the belt.
On my machine with 285hp. I go with sidewinder primary loaded with hhy 68 with 1/2 inch set sqrew in heel and 3/8 steel in middle and in top i go with 3/8 steel with one thick washer, 14.5mm rollers with tp bushings. In org sidewinder secondary i have 41-37 cat green twisted 0-1 with tp rollers. I use 8dn belt have no problems with the belt.

What is your offset at?
I have never used the STM weights so I am not comfortable commenting on how to set them up.
I can say that with Daltons set to 80 grams, 35 degree helix with Cat green at 0-1 I have gone 1500 miles on the same belt. XS825 Ultimax. 270 tune.
Offset with the Hurricane bar and I allow it float out 2.5 mm.
I have never used the STM weights so I am not comfortable commenting on how to set them up.
I can say that with Daltons set to 80 grams, 35 degree helix with Cat green at 0-1 I have gone 1500 miles on the same belt. XS825 Ultimax. 270 tune.
Offset with the Hurricane bar and I allow it float out 2.5 mm.

I cant have float, the belt will go kaboom fast if i have float, i dont now why but it works when i have it locked in place.
