A few questions I was hoping you guys can help me with.


Jan 31, 2014
Reaction score
Upstate NY
07 Phazer FX
What started out as an oil/ filter and track change on a 07 Phazer FX has turned into quite the project.
We will start up front since that’s what came apart first.
1. Where in the manual does it describe setting the tension on the drive chain?
2. I had quite a bit of water in the chain case. Reading thru the posts it looks like this is a common problem with the Phazer. I just got this sled last year so I don’t really know it history. Is there a reliable fix or just keep and eye on it and see if it still happens? Where’s the vent on this case?
3. I’ve read that there is an updated tube and bolt to help with a chain case leak. I was thinking of doing this update while I have the chain cover off. Looking at the microfiche on partzilla I can only find this tube on the 07-08 models. Why is that, and does anyone have the parts numbers I need? Was the FX name changed after a certain year?
4. I have an 18/41 gearing. Is it worth gearing up or down for a trail sled?
5. I was able to find a secondary clutch from a 96 Vmax 600 that looks in fairly good shape for $40.00. According to the numbers (8BV10) it has a 41* helix with a black spring w/ a green line on it. How can I tell the turns on the spring and would this be a good starting point for a trail sled? What the advantages of using a Vmax clutch over stock? I like tight wood and bumpy trails. Not really on lakes or long straight for too long. Sorry I’m a motorcycle guy and never played with the clutching on a snowmobile.
Let’s start with these questions and see where we go.
Thanx guys!
1. There's been faulty advise in some manuals. Ask your local dealer, he will probably have some stories for you...

Finger tight then back off 1/4 turn then tighten locknut.
Also, Monster just called and told me my center shock will be about $200.00+ to fix. There was lots of rust and pitting on the shaft. I saw it when I took the skid out. So......... anyone have a center shock for an 07 FX or knows where I can get one?
BTW thank youKall
What started out as an oil/ filter and track change on a 07 Phazer FX has turned into quite the project.
We will start up front since that’s what came apart first.
1. Where in the manual does it describe setting the tension on the drive chain?
Finger tight then back 1/4 turn. Then tighten the locknut.
2. I had quite a bit of water in the chain case. Reading thru the posts it looks like this is a common problem with the Phazer. I just got this sled last year so I don’t really know it history. Is there a reliable fix or just keep and eye on it and see if it still happens? Where’s the vent on this case?
Keep an eye on it. There are a few theories about why watter gets in but I have not seen a reliable fix for it yet.
3. I’ve read that there is an updated tube and bolt to help with a chain case leak. I was thinking of doing this update while I have the chain cover off. Looking at the microfiche on partzilla I can only find this tube on the 07-08 models. Why is that, and does anyone have the parts numbers I need? Was the FX name changed after a certain year?
The tube is on later models as well. 8GJ-17021-01-00. Might want to change the grommet 90480-10012-00 and the gasket 90430-06166-00 at the same time. It probably just does not come up as an updated part on later models as it comes updated from the factory.
4. I have an 18/41 gearing. Is it worth gearing up or down for a trail sled?
Judging by what you said about tight trails and no lakes I say try the 18/41. You might like it? It is a personal opinion.
5. I was able to find a secondary clutch from a 96 Vmax 600 that looks in fairly good shape for $40.00. According to the numbers (8BV10) it has a 41* helix with a black spring w/ a green line on it. How can I tell the turns on the spring and would this be a good starting point for a trail sled? What the advantages of using a Vmax clutch over stock? I like tight wood and bumpy trails. Not really on lakes or long straight for too long. Sorry I’m a motorcycle guy and never played with the clutching on a snowmobile.
The phazer secondary uses a circlip and is known to break causing damage to not only the clutch but the bearing behind the clutch. Other models use 3 nuts to hold the clutch together and is a much more reliable part. I dont remember off hand the models that are a direct fit but I will find the thread with lots of info about that mod for you. I used one off an 08 Vector but it needed some machining. It is the second best mod I did after a 1.5" track.
Let’s start with these questions and see where we go.
Thanx guys!
Crazy Dave. Yamahas has you covered with his answers.

As for your center shock a shock from the 2 stroke viper is for sure a direct fit also. The rear shock on Phazer is the most important.
Damn, you guys are great! This has to be one the most friendly forums I’ve ever been on.
Again, thank you all.
Got another question that just popped into my head.
The front limiter strap, It is currently set at the second set of holes down. In the manual it said to drop it down to the 4th or 5th set of holes for better turning. It has dual runner skies on it now and really pushes into the corners, she swings wide.
Like I said, I mostly like tight woods and secondary trails. I won’t be putting a Freeride on anytime soon as I’m already way over budget. So I try to stay out of the powder.
Would dropping the strap suite my need better? 5th-4th-3rd hole?
The tighter the strap the more weight you will have on the skis. Keep in mind the tighter the trap the heavyer it wil feel as well.

The strap can easily be adjusted by placing a block of wood under the front of the track to compress the front of the suspension to take the tension off the strap.
Lurking for more info on the secondary clutch set up.... Been wanting to do this for a few years. Dave, where in Upstate are you?
Lurking for more info on the secondary clutch set up.... Been wanting to do this for a few years. Dave, where in Upstate are you?

I’m out by Sodus Point, right in between Rochester and Syracuse.
X2 on what Yamahas said, read that WHOLE thread, 1/2hr well spent!
Yep, read it all and it is very informative.
But it really does not go into detail about the spring and winding. Can anyone elaborate on the spring?
How can you tell the current winding, what would more or less winding achieve, what’s a good starting point for a Phazer FX…etc? I see 2-2, 3-2, 3-3 and have no idea what this means.
Sorry, like I said, I’m a bike guy and have never messed with the clutch on a snowmobile.
The numbers relate to the hole in the sheave, and the hole in the helix. I'll dig up the chart that shows it (very easy to understand) unless someone else beats me to it
I just want to clear something up, you are using the vmax clutch on the phazer or are you asking about the spring twist on the phazer clutch? The answer to your question will change depending on the clutch you are using.
