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Well lets put it this way.. me as the owner dont make anything.. it all goes back into the site and the last few years I start to wonder if its worth my time. Then I go on a ride and meet users that love the site and appreciate it and then I keep it going..LOL .. This year will be 20 year anniversary.
You have a passion for the sport, and we all hope you never loss that passion. You guys are APPRECIATED more than you know!!
You do whatever you need to do Tom to keep the site going! You have collected a priceless amount of information for us when we have questions about our sleds!

Plus the bonus of creating such a Great group of sledding enthusiasts that we have made such special Friends from all over the country.

A Big THANK YOU to you and Stephanie!!
We would have never met each other without your vision some 20+ years ago.

Thank you!!
