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Air shock

Carla 123

TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Feb 27, 2017
Reaction score
Lester beach
2015 viper xtx boosted
17 zr9000 precision stage 3
So in the viper owners manual it says to check and adjust front air shocks at room temp between 60 and 70.whats up with that? I don't have a heated shop.also was trying out the air pump .not a very accurate gauge on there.also besides the skid are there any other grease points? Thanks fellow viperites lol
If set at 70 they will be about 60-65 psi once in cold and go back up to 70 after riding hard. Harder a air shock is ridden the stiffer it gets. That's good! I suspect they picked a happy medium and it's exactly where I set mine at. You won't notice much difference in a lb or 2 so guages reading in 5's seems good but you could use a pump for the bicycle shocks which are very small and read in finer increments. Yes rear suspension is all for grease fittings. There for I clean and grease all bearings and A-arms yearly by removing the bearing seal with a pic arms and lower spindle just remove clean an coat with appropriate grease.
Thanks for the reply Cannondale. Can I use a car pressure gauge to read pressure?manual says for my weight 90 psi.so I will set at 65 .
pressure is pressure. As long as whatever pressure gauge your using is accurate, go for it.
...Can I use a car pressure gauge to read pressure?...
The original Fox pump, or bicycle shock pump, is designed to let the schrader valve close before the pump is removed.

A car tire has a Huge volume of air. A little phfft on, and phfft off, little air pressure is lost. 1/2lb - 1lb tops.
An air shock has a very small volume of air. A little phfft on, and phfft off, could easily loose 5lbs - 10lbs+.

Why not use the pump designed for the shock?

Older Foat 2 video, but gets the point across.

The original Fox pump, or bicycle shock pump, is designed to let the schrader valve close before the pump is removed.

A car tire has a Huge volume of air. A little phfft on, and phfft off, little air pressure is lost. 1/2lb - 1lb tops.
An air shock has a very small volume of air. A little phfft on, and phfft off, could easily loose 5lbs - 10lbs+.

Why not use the pump designed for the shock?

Older Foat 2 video, but gets the point across.

Well explained thank you
So in the viper owners manual it says to check and adjust front air shocks at room temp between 60 and 70.whats up with that? I don't have a heated shop.also was trying out the air pump .not a very accurate gauge on there.also besides the skid are there any other grease points? Thanks fellow viperites lol

. A good estimate to use when comparing pressure to air temperature is for every 10 degrees F temperature change, pressure will adjust by 1 psi. For example, if the outside air temperature increases 10 degrees, the pressure will increase by 1 psi.

So, if setting outside at 15 F outside, set it 5 psi less than what is recommended for 65 F.
