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Another flat land Turbo

Skidoo has a smaller turbo
Yes, creating even more intake heat. Crazy S*** going on. Just have to see how it all plays out, next year.
Can't believe I mentioned meth injection just last week, and here it is. Lol.
Cat better be taking notes. If done correctly, they have the opportunity to wreak havoc for a season or so.

This is the best ever!
So CAT may have one NEXT year.
They just keep playing catch-up.
Ski Doo keeps innovating & Poo is trying to catch them & doing VERY well at it I must say.

Ski Doo now has integrated RIDE RIGHT lights in the hand guards, that battery-less ignition system & now Meth Injection to keep the pistons from flying out on long lake pulls.

Looks like DOO put more time into their Turbo Trail Sled, but I still don't want a 2-Stroke especially a BLOWN one.
There should be some some good Lake Races next year.
The take away for me is that the two stroke die-hards hoping to tune-up an 850 to run all day with HP well into the mid 200's on 91 pump gas are dreaming.(or maybe having nightmares)

Trailleader will have to change his moniker to Trailfollower..... ;)

Ummm.... isnt that exactly what this injection system will allow? a lot more hp from pump gas will be possible. Just adjust the injection in aftermarket tuning. Its huge gains in automotive for boost and hp. Can easily fit some extra meth on person too. not a big deal. or find it at any gas station. Its typically the same as windshield washer fluid.

I can also easily carry 3 - 32 oz containers of boostane on my sled. in the factory storage. when 1 container is enough for a full day...to run a tune at well over 200 hp as well.

how about boostane combined with meth? there are also intercoolers on the market coming out as well.

they will find all kinds of ways to give the winder guys fits. And not necessarily with race fuel. this is just the beginning. you guys have had a 6 year head start.
Ummm.... isnt that exactly what this injection system will allow? a lot more hp from pump gas will be possible. Just adjust the injection in aftermarket tuning. Its huge gains in automotive for boost and hp. Can easily fit some extra meth on person too. not a big deal. or find it at any gas station. Its typically the same as windshield washer fluid.

I can also easily carry 3 - 32 oz containers of boostane on my sled. in the factory storage. when 1 container is enough for a full day...to run a tune at well over 200 hp as well.

how about boostane combined with meth? there are also intercoolers on the market coming out as well.

they will find all kinds of ways to give the winder guys fits. And not necessarily with race fuel. this is just the beginning. you guys have had a 6 year head start.

No, this injection system is a fixed system designed as a safety mechanism. Any attempt to raise power on it probably won't work and it will have to be replaced for any serious power addition.

You keep making up scenarios, how is this for a scenario. The 998 is capable of a lot more power than most are adding with a simple flash and a few minutes with a T50 torx. A fully built 998 sled is simply going to destroy that 850 no matter what you do or how much you spend on it. There are lots of other motor/sled combos out there that will as well. Who cares. For $650.00 I will drop in a bunch of not only accessible but usable power and simply never have to think about reliability, and I will improve fuel economy at the same time. All while carrying at max a couple of ounces of boostane for those sketchy gas stations on a saddlebag trip. Are you going to carry a couple of gallons of water/meth for a saddlebag trip because I guarantee if you try to keep up with the winders on big groomers you are going to need it. You probably would go through a tank just trying to cross my lake.

I am not knocking the 850 turbo, it is what it is and I am sure its a riot for local riding. Keep in mind that this setup, minus the water/meth has been available for awhile in the mountain segment. The tunes are out and will quickly get remapped for the flatland machine, +45HP on 100 octane, let me do a quick survey of places I can buy 100 octane..

What I don't understand is why you spend most of your time here trying to convince the folks on the 4s forums why they should be worried about 2s machines. Most of us have owned 2s and don't care to anymore. I own a 4s for a reason, and its not just about power.
I havent posted on here in weeks. or tried to very hard to convince anyone of anything.

Its a fixed system and it cant be tuned or modified to inject more meth? because you said so? ok got it.

these sleds will easily be capable of being lightly modified to wax your average tuned 998. and has been seen. Which is just fine with me. Dont know what fully built sleds have to do with anything. PLenty of things will beat a 998 at that too. who cares.

btw....all you need for 100 octane is 1 ounce per gallon of boostane in 93. can fill my sled up 3+ times with one bottle.
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I havent posted on here in weeks. or tried to very hard to convince anyone of anything.

Its a fixed system and it cant be tuned or modified to inject more meth? because you said so? ok got it.

these sleds will easily be capable of being lightly modified to wax your average tuned 998. and has been seen. Which is just fine with me. Dont know what fully built sleds have to do with anything. PLenty of things will beat a 998 at that too. who cares.

btw....all you need for 100 octane is 1 ounce per gallon of boostane in 93. can fill my sled up 3+ times with one bottle.
You haven't been on in weeks but you were on hourly during the whole boost discussion (and then we find out you bought one) and now your back during the doo discussion and your very first post was a mix of justifications, conjecture, and extrapolations about how this new amazing wunderkind machine will beat the winders. I am just wondering when you will admit you ordered one.

btw, I don’t care if they are faster. They can’t outrun the ugly that’s built in. ;) Seriously I don’t mind the brand bashing but let’s stay with the facts. Hcs is where the speculative brand bashing posts are (and belong).
