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Another flat land Turbo

Well I guess the truth hurts
Anyway the sled will be fast like the boost
The 850 doo motor is pretty decent
More competition makes it good for us all
I can't believe all three manufacturers have turned to the 2s to turbo. I can honestly say, I didn't see that coming, like if you asked me 5yrs ago.
I can't believe all three manufacturers have turned to the 2s to turbo. I can honestly say, I didn't see that coming, like if you asked me 5yrs ago.
Just proves the point we live in a totally throw away society, quality and longevity mean very little nowadays. It’s all about the latest and greatest……ride it for a couple seasons, discard, start the process over again. A 2-stroke turbo aligns perfectly with this mentality.
I don’t totally agree
I do agree with JT as I said I’d never own a 2 stroke again a few years back
I like them and how much I can do myself with a file lol
Easy to work on
Fast and there is no one that wouldn’t have a smile on there face riding one
Just don’t tell your buddies
Just proves the point we live in a totally throw away society, quality and longevity mean very little nowadays. It’s all about the latest and greatest……ride it for a couple seasons, discard, start the process over again. A 2-stroke turbo aligns perfectly with this mentality.
Honestly, Stubbs..no truer words have been spoken. Nailed!
I've only heard stories of poor build quality on these sleds, wafer thin body plastics & Mickey mouse size shafts.
Good analogy on this one, Stubbs
The day is here & the time is now....
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I drive a diesel truck and it will by far outlast any garbage gas truck. Has more hp power and torque and pulls a trailer like it’s not behind me. I like a certain brand too btw. Same argument but options are nice.
I happen to think both skidoo and Polaris have a lot of higher end qualities that cat
All what you want to do.
I told my wife if Skidoo comes out with a turbo 850 trail sled I was buying..............and here we are.

We bought her an 850 this year after totaling her '14 Venture GT last year. She absolutely loves it............and I kind of do too. Comparing my SW to the MXZ I prefer the front of the SW and the rear of the MXZ. I still prefer the power of the SW especially on high speed trails. I rode her MXZ on Saturday of the Giveaway ride weekend and it rips but doesn't have the long legs of SW at higher speeds. Honestly, if I could marry the 2 I think it would be perfect. Maybe the 850 Turbo is it.......

Never fear, with all that, my SW isn't leaving the stable yet. We will see how much I ride it next year.

Side note, I also ordered a Skidoo NEO+ to replace the Phazer for the kids. While I'm looking to get them into a newer machine, I'm honestly tired of changing engine oil. It's so much easier to just top off the oil on a 2 stroke, especially on a machine that sees very few miles per year.
I'll also add the Skidoo fit and finish is superior to AC/Yamicat. It's not to Yamaha Japan standards by any means. I'm not sure anyone ever will.
Just proves the point we live in a totally throw away society, quality and longevity mean very little nowadays. It’s all about the latest and greatest……ride it for a couple seasons, discard, start the process over again. A 2-stroke turbo aligns perfectly with this mentality.
I will never own another two-stroke for my trail sled. The ONLY advantage they have is less weight.
I don't like the sound, the smell, the narrow power band, and the soft bottom end power.
I also never want to go back to carrying oil or burning it.
I still think the writing is on the wall for the two stroke engine.
I will never own another two-stroke for my trail sled.
I said this too dangit
But like Ricky Bobby I want to go fast so….
The nice thing in the turbo two stroke is at 100 mph it cruises like the 4 stroke
N/a does not at all
If you were close to here I’d let you take it for a spin
Maybe a convert
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22,199 USD :oops:

Maybe im bias. I just cant fathom paying that much for a two stroke engine.
You’re paying for a couple engines though. No one can convince me that the factory warranty isn’t included in the price.
Good to see Ski Doo has responded to the Polaris Boost with a water injected 850 TurboR MXZ
Love the competition.
DOO had the Turbo 2S first & everyone KNEW it would be on a Trail sled.
Polaris followed them & then brought it to the Trail first to beat them.
Maybe they put some more time into it than POO.

I don't think either sled has an Intercooler do they?
