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Any truth to this snip-it I found on another site guys?

snappy said:
a 300 hp sled with 40 ft lbs of torque would fall on its face.torque= quickness.hp= top end.

So why don't mountain riders just gear their sleds down to increase the torque so they can get to the top of a hill?

..... torque = the instantaneous measurement of a force.
...... HP = the measurement of the rate of work being done.
...... If you have 1000 ft. lbs. of torque at 50 rpm, what good does this do you? (the work being done is very small)
You actually need a pretty good balance of torque and horsepower.
Tractor engines have a lot of torque but they are so very slow because they dont have much horsepower.
Small 4-cylinder car engines have a lot of horsepower but not much torque which causes them to be slower off the line than a V8. However, keep the rpms on the 4-cylinder up high and you have all the power you could every want. Thats because they have greater horsepower than they do torque.
