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Asphalt Results 2003 (RX1)

Hey welterracer - Thanks, and if your getting an rx1, your gonna love it! Between BBY, and pro116, we should be knockin off some fast timeslips on this baby. Got the suspension from pro116 last night, should be in by wed. As far as your other ?, the hyfax must be removed, and the slick track that we use, hooks like chisel tooth pics on ice. The most important part of getting quick times, are getting out of the hole fast, and dropping it down will do that. Even stock I thought it was fast, now were flyin!

Hey pro116 - I will get some this week, and try for this weekend. Stopped at Appleton Powersports last night and picked up a new bushing. Brought the arm to work today, will be taken care of.

Hey BBY - I will call you tonight.

Terry, Ill be gone tonight, but around tomorrow night. As for some setups, ill post them here. If Ryan has some HH's laying around this should be painless. Im not sure if he has SRX style HH's or Viper style. If they are Viper style (48g base) heres a few setups

3/4" allen in heel
3/8" Steel bolt w/ Thick steel washer in mid
7/16" Steel bolt w/ Thin steel washer in tip
Stock Primary spring
52/42 Helix
Yami Silver set to 80

You can also use the stock helix or if you have any of the following

I would also like you to try a Maxx Perf Purple primary spring along with a 54/46 helix. I dont have the specs on the spring but I talked to Jason this morning and he will post it here.

One last thing, Remove your tool box thats mounted in the front of the sled. Also when the hood is closed, push in on the front nose enclosure, it will bend into a position that gets cleaner air to the airbox. When you lift the hood, this enclosure goes back to the factory setting, so remember to push it back in each time you lift the hood. As for the clutching, test in the order I have it listed. Depending on hook up, you may need to adjust your secondary spring setting. Good luck and keep me posted. Give me a call tomorrow night if you have any questions...BBY

I left my srx heavy hitters in my sled when I sold it a couple months ago.I have a 56/44 and a max purple spring.
BBY What is the total eight of those heavy hitters? Does anyone know if the ramp cuvature of the heavy hitters are the same as the thunder shift? I have had great results with the old thunder shifts in my vmax-4.
1xr, They are 61.1 Grams. As you know they are made by Thunder Products so the profile isnt alot different, however the mass of the heel on the HH's is much more than the thunder shift arms. Hope that helps...BBY
Hey pro116 - Forgot the sweatshirt the other night, (doh!) Had the rear skid all apart, and am getting new bearings and bushings, they won't be in till friday and monday. Front torque arm shaft was too far gone, had to make new one, and the torque arm had more cracks than expected.

Too all - I changed the top gear to a 22 tooth from Micro Belmont. Should be what this sled needs to make it scoot better. The suspension didn't get in this week, due to some hidden mishaps, that happened this week. Will definetly be in next week. changes this week will just be the gear change.

Talk to you all next time.
Hey tooold - I am running in the 10,100-10,250 range, but the clutches show the belt can ride up more in the primary, that's why I am changing to the 22 top gear. Should have good results. Will be making some time runs on friday, hope we can get it down to low 11's!
The hh,s are a polaris race style profile. Same as the 89a-10 & the 8dn-20 yammie weights & also hc,s are the same style.

Terry you need to change those clutch weights to get that thing to shift out. I'd say the Secondary spring is another reason why it's not shifting!!!!
Hey jtssrx - I thought the gearing would take care of some of that. Well, we can see what the gear will change tonight in times and clutch ride height pattern. I will call you from the track tonight. pro116 gave me a silver secondary spring to try, but I was going to hold off for this weekend. Next weekend should be a trip, BBY is gonna seld his clutching, or his weight setup, should be fun. 10's, here we come!
NOS-PRO as suggested earlier the stock pink secondary spring will coil bind before full shift out because it is wound tight. Try out a silver secondary spring at 70-90 degree wrap and your primary will shift out furter. Also changing your helix to a aftermarket one who is machined to shift out further than the stock helix will help. If you don't have a aftermarket helix the cheap solution is to shim out your stock helix with some washers about 1.5 - 2.0 mm. Interesting thread this is, keep racing and keep us updated on how she's going.
5/24/03 - Temp was 83-86, humidity was 23-27%, wind was 10-14 towards the end of the track. Track temp was 107, with sun till 4pm, then everything changed, went down to 67 degrees, and humidity to 60%, track temp was 91. Well at the 1000 ft. mark, the clutching is done, and the motor takes over, revving to 10,400-10,500. Belt is riding up to 1/4 inch from the top of the primary, and top end sounds real tough. 60 ft. times got a little worse to a best of 1.665, but ran a 11.62 @111.092 mph. So mph went up 2 mph, but if we can get this to hook to 1.4 range, it would be 11.3-11.4 @ 111 mph. 1st round went up against a Pro Bike, and both of us had the same over/under margin of .111, that means we both ran the same time, but he got me on reaction, where I had a .076 reaction, and Eric had a .032 reation time, so I went out 1st round. It was a great race though. Tried the water wetter, and it did help some. Temps stayed down to 190 to 200 on the way back to the trailer, compare that to 235 and the warning light on. Took a little fan to the clutching, and the oil tank, and it cooled it down dramatically. The new and improved cool down cart consists of a radiator with an electric fan cooling down the incoming water/antifreeze/waterwetter before the ice cooler. Had sooo much ice left, gave it away to racers that went more rounds.
Thanks to all that have been sending clutching information, I have worked on mostly everything, but still figuring out yami clutching. This week will be trying BBY clutching, (HH's), and Hauler's Heelclicker clutching that I purchased from him. And of course, the SRX skid and front shocks.
