Battery replacement

Funny you bring this up Steve.
I have a mountain addiction 3 gallon gas can on the rear of my sled and find it balances the sled out more for cornering with the added weight on the back.
You guys know that your typical flooded battery, there is only a few manufactures that we get in Canada/US. Its just a different sticker on the battery.

My last battery was an Interstate AGM. I paid twice as much for it as my one I just bought. Its the same battery. I paid twice as much for the sticker.
Agreed but do not assume. Lots of them are from India (when marked) or the ones not even marked "Made in" I would stay far away.

I like the ones made proud from our brothers to the south. :)
Keep in mind AGMs are not better in the cold than flooded.

Not always but I find AGM last longer. The AGM glass matts help a lot in applications that vibrate lots or ride on rough terrain. I wouldnt ever buy an AGM for my truck but for my sled I would. For my Cessna the AGM has the highest CCA for my application. 500 bucks roughly for it...
Keep in mind AGMs are not better in the cold than flooded.

No, but an advantage an AGM has is, it can be installed in positions regular batt's can't be. All this batt talk has me wanting to try a lightweight, but I'm having a hard time justifying the extra $$$ to start the
Many of us can get rid of 12 lbs just by removing the huge ice-buildup in the tunnel. I know there's times I removed more than 12 lbs easy. So, before you race, remove the ice LOL.
'17 winder running original battery. Battery tender on it when sleds not in use.

Note: my HD has a 10yr old battery in it. Battery tender when not in use.

I'm starting to see a trend.....
