Best permanent way to fix the leaky donuts

I owned and repaired my 04 Warrior's Exhaust by welding a break at the crossover, and I am a Certified welder! They are Stainless Steel! I've also welded 2006-2008 Apex exhaust for customers and they are Stainless Steel! I presently own a 2011 Apex with EXUP and that is when they started using Titanium!
If you're working on a 05-09 with steel headpipes then someone has already changed out the original titanium headpipes to the updated Yamaha steel pipes.
If you're working on a 05-09 with steel headpipes then someone has already changed out the original titanium headpipes to the updated Yamaha steel pipes.

Can confirm that the original Y pipes on early Apex models were titanium. A good portion of which have failed and been replaced by stainless
Pictures would be great.
Welded some exhaust strapping to the pipe and then rivet it to the tunnel
Can confirm that the original Y pipes on early Apex models were titanium. A good portion of which have failed and been replaced by stainless
True. My 06 has one titanium and one stainless header. Mag side is now stainless, the pto side hasnt broken. The titanium broke on the flange after I put in the copper donuts.
My 07 Nytro has original. I assumed these were stainless steel.

If you're working on a 05-09 with steel headpipes then someone has already changed out the original titanium headpipes to the updated Yamaha steel pipes.
I am talking about the Exhaust system, not The Flex Pipes coming off The Cylinder Head! I never had a problem with them! You keep saying "STEEL"? They have never used Steel! 03 -10 "STAINLESS STEEL" , 11-18 "TITANIUM". When you are a Certified Welder you have to know what type of metal you are welding, so that you can get an optimum repair! Are you a Certified Welder?
I am talking about the Exhaust system, not The Flex Pipes coming off The Cylinder Head! I never had a problem with them! You keep saying "STEEL"? They have never used Steel! 03 -10 "STAINLESS STEEL" , 11-18 "TITANIUM". When you are a Certified Welder you have to know what type of metal you are welding, so that you can get an optimum repair! Are you a Certified Welder?
I'm not talking about the flex pipes.
I'm talking about the header pipes in between the muffler and flex pipes.
Unless the American models were different than the Canadian models, which I highly doubt, I stand by all my comments.
Not sure how you guys are breaking your exhaust pipes. I’ve got 31000 km on my 2011 and I’ve changed them with oem gaskets three times, first time at 2800km ( I bought it used)then at around 13000 then the last time was at 26000. When I replaced them the first time I ground the spacer on the clamp so that when they are tightened they never rotate. I really believe the exhaust clamps get loose then the pipe breaks. I check them every fall and make sure they are tight. Maybe I’ve been lucky. I’ve also never replaced the flex pipes or the clamps ( just the bolts)
I still have the header pipes I took off of my Attak in my parts collection...they are titanium. I relaced them with the updated SS pipes that Yamaha placed on the later Apexs and they also updated the part numbers to SS on the older model Apexs so the Titanium pipes were no longer available.
After cutting the flanges off of my 2006 attack I am pretty sure mine are Titanium- never seen SS act the way these did when I cut them with an abrasive wheel. The spark would fly about 6-8 feet and then crackle like a sparkler.
Hello, apologies if this has been discussed

My apex 2007 er with 8xxx km has a small exhaust leak. I heard about the gaskets made of cooper but some warn against them because the eat up the pipes. Is this true? Where can I get the best quality one (ideally in canada) but willing to order from the USA if needed.

Heard yamaha updated the donuts, what is the part of number of those? Should I also change the clips? How long those new revised one last?

I ideally wanna do this job once

Here’s my opinion. Do the donuts in copper. If they last 3000…. 5000…. 8000 miles will you still have the sled? If they eat the pipes you can always put the fx garage works kit on. I like keeping things factory for as long as possible. I kind of consider the donut an upgrade surrounded by factory.
Less costly but effective fix. Even if you have bad flanged which you will if the donuts are bad or missing, you can buy flange ends to slip on the titanium.

I have not read about copper eating pipes. I checked my apex which has 1200mi on coppers tight as can be

File your clamp down a bit so you can tighten it up. I've done three sleds In copper all from diff suppliers. Two came with new bolts one was chinese I think it was more like brass those two both had to get filed to fit. On my phazer I put a set from off trail toys fit the best but had no new bolts. I didn't realize that at the time so heads up.

One last thought... Switching to fx you'll have to break loose the bolts of the exhaust manifold flex pipe too. That made me a little nervous on 15 year old rigging.
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Not sure how you guys are breaking your exhaust pipes. I’ve got 31000 km on my 2011 and I’ve changed them with oem gaskets three times, first time at 2800km ( I bought it used)then at around 13000 then the last time was at 26000. When I replaced them the first time I ground the spacer on the clamp so that when they are tightened they never rotate. I really believe the exhaust clamps get loose then the pipe breaks. I check them every fall and make sure they are tight. Maybe I’ve been lucky. I’ve also never replaced the flex pipes or the clamps ( just the bolts)
You are 100% correct in my experience on the two titanium sleds I own the only bad flanges were the ones where the clamp was freewheeling. If you open that up and all bolts are looking up at you I'd say you are fine. If the clamps are all spun probably broken
