Buying advice please

The SE fronts are very respectable shocks. 10k on mine. Cannondale rebuilds them every year. I’ve been saying since 17 the SE shocks are decent! I ride early when they are flat I feel zero bumps! I’m back by 2-3 with a Pilsner at the cabin. The guys with fancy shocks are out beating the sleds on 2 footers.
I was hesitant too coming from my beloved 2006 Attak. Paid $14.499 studded for my 2017 LTX LE. Never been on a sled even close in comfort or power. My only advice is by the best shock package you can afford, even if it means snow checking a model that comes in late in the year. You won't regret getting the best offered
Yeah ordering the '21 gets it in your garage what...September? Still warm enough to wrench on it.

But yeah that 2020 should satisfy you coming from the Apex.
I for one have only ridden 1 rider forward sled in my life. That was a friends Nytro. And it was only a little short ride.
I'm sure the SE is going to be plenty sufficient for me.
And I MUCH prefer the 2021 SE paint scheme to the LE!

I think you still have to snowcheck in order to get an LE. It still comes with the good shocks and other goodies but even 1,500 off would still be 16,400 vs the 2020 for 12,999. Of course it would have the fancy shocks and and other updates like the chaincase drain bolt.
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OK - so its time for me. Just said goodbye to my original 2006 Apex RTX. Was such a great machine!

A local dealer (Maine) has a new 2020 L-TX SE for 12,999. I must say I thought the orange and blue looked horrible in pictures but in person its actually kind of hot! The 2021 SE is 15,899 and the LE is 17,899. Thats a lot more money for a 21. Normally it would be a no-brainer to get the 2020 but I love that they added a chaincase plug, updated rollover valve and better heat exchanger hose for 2021.

Any thoughts or advice appreciated. Also - Ive never snowchecked before. How much have they been willing to bargain on the listed snowcheck prices on sidewinders?
In the same boat here, eyeballing a 2020 LTX-GT, o.t.d. at 14,700. Thats sled, tax, doc fee, and a couple of other unavoidable nusance charges. This ones in Il., cant find one in the northwoods.
In the same boat here, eyeballing a 2020 LTX-GT, o.t.d. at 14,700. Thats sled, tax, doc fee, and a couple of other unavoidable nusance charges. This ones in Il., cant find one in the northwoods.
Not bad. I'd buy it for that. What dealer? ;)
It is not a chaincase drain plug. It is an oil level check plug. Remove plug, fill till oil comes out and put plug back in. It’s too high up to be a drain

Oh gosh! Thanks for the clarification. Not nearly as big an improvement as adding a proper drain plug.

I’m definitely making an offer on the 2020 SE tomorrow. Thank you all for the advice.
I’ve got a’17 SE and have no complaints. Like above the shocks aren’t bad. Did the same thing your doin except I kept my ‘06 Apex as a backup :-)
SE front shocks as mentioned are really good. I added Elka Dual springs on mine and now is even better! Rear skid shocks IMHO need to be upgraded on the SE, QS3 at minimum.


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Oh gosh! Thanks for the clarification. Not nearly as big an improvement as adding a proper drain plug.

I’m definitely making an offer on the 2020 SE tomorrow. Thank you all for the advice.

Well I believe they also got rid of the sight glass in the bottom of the chain case as well. Which will eliminate the glass pushing into the chain case issue....
