Cutting Track Windows for Slide Replacement

i cut my windows a fair amount. sliders easily fit and i didnt burn the edges of the track or anything. tracks been like this for 3 years now and its fine.
Blue Dave said:
I do not like the word "weak". That is what I am trying to avoid. If this weakens the track enough to have to offset the weakness I may decide to pull the skid again for peace of mind with my new track.

Has anyone actually experienced an adverse effect like tearing from doing this?

I really dont think it would hurt anything if you did widen them but there is no need to just use a little oil in the window and on the slide and it will come out and in quite easily.
IA Rider said:
MadMax said:
Grimm said:
I still don't understand the need to do this...I've never had a problem fitting a set of sliders through the track windows, just insert the slider through the track window vertically and twist 90 degrees. It just requires a little extra force, and maybe a little lube.
X2............... Never had a problem....................... "EVER". MM.


X4. Just yank them out and push he new ones in.
I cut mine shaped like a Dove Tail like above too about 8k miles ago and I just finished rolling the track around in my shop checking for any issues and the Dove windows are in excellent shape. Both are on the same row with 2 double stud (4 studs total) setup which doesn't give it much room on either side of the windows. Next time I'll do it with 1/2 way method on a row with just 2 inner studs. Maybe the track will be made cheaper like many things today so I'll play it safe.
I just widened two windows side by side about 1/8th of an inch on both sides of the window. I used a broke knife or some call them utility knife. Use caution and have total knife control! I cut the up and down cuts first then cut into the window hole not from the window hole on the left right side cuts way less chance of cutting to far. Did not heat or burn after.

Have about 10,000 miles on this track, about 8,000 on the one I did before. No issues!
I have never seen or heard of any issues doing this! last track has 8000mi ,no problem,other sleds no problem.
people drill HUNDREDS of holes for studs! in the track and some will be fine.
Thanks guys! I went ahead and removed 3mm from each side of the windows since my slides are 6 mm wider than the window width. I did both windows in the same row. I used a sharp utility knife and it turned out great. You really wouldn't notice that these windows were any different than the others unless you measured them.

The old slides came out and the new Dupont slides went in easily. I thought about forcing the slides through the original window size with lube but it would have been very tight and this was so much easier. You can see in the last picture what my standard slides looked like after 70 miles of riding in poor conditions. From what I hear I will not be replacing the Dupont slides any time soon (now that I have an easy way to change them).


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mine have been cut on my ice ripper for I-dont-even-know how many miles with no adverse effects. The best part of doing it this way? getting the slide a bit out of the windows, starting the sled, putting it in reverse, and watching the hyfax slide out without any pulling!
Maybe a little late but if you chamfer the rear end of the new slides a little bit they will squeeze through the window easier on the next change...but that will be 10 years from now with Duponts, right?
DigitalFusion said:
mine have been cut on my ice ripper for I-dont-even-know how many miles with no adverse effects. The best part of doing it this way? getting the slide a bit out of the windows, starting the sled, putting it in reverse, and watching the hyfax slide out without any pulling!

I thought about that but I had my clutches removed for cleaning at the time. Since they had only been on for 70 miles they came out pretty easy with a few good yanks with a vice grip.
YammyRX1 said:
Maybe a little late but if you chamfer the rear end of the new slides a little bit they will squeeze through the window easier on the next change...but that will be 10 years from now with Duponts, right?

I do not know about 10 years but at least a few years I hope!
I've never had to cut the track on my sx viper, apex ,nytro or my viper. Did my viper and nytro in February in an hr, didn't even loosen the track on either. Tap them out a bit then get a buddy pull with vise grips while tapping them out. Spray liberty with Teflon or silicone lube.
For years I have been trimming about 1/8 inch off both the sides of the track windows. Both in the same row.
Never had a track fail from it.
Silicone spray!! No cutting involved...
I silicone spray and cut windows on same row. 11,888 miles on Attack when I sold it (two tracks in those miles and both cut). Will cut Viper this summer for first hyfax change
