Difference between a Arctic Cat 900t RR and a Sidewinder - reinforcement wise

thundercat front shock axle part # is 3604-269, front slider axle is 3604-663. According to the country cat website, these are the same part #s for the 9000RR. I'm comparing a 2023 Tcat and a a 24 ZR9000 RR.

1nc, which year sled and model did you get those part numbers from?
The post i shared is a link to a previous post from 2019.
The current rr sleds have a watered down rr suspension compared to what used to be.
Though the current sleds use those same parts, I would recommend upgrading both those components
The post i shared is a link to a previous post from 2019.
The current rr sleds have a watered down rr suspension compared to what used to be.
For the 998 they are all the same from years to years when it comes to shocks and other hard bits. They did change the spindles to match the 137's in later years but that came after 2019 where the rr took a hiatus.

If watered down, then you have to go back to the 2013 rr as that was a true race setup. Cat moved the RR valving and race gear over to the rxc that had upgrades like.

Way Stiffer valving and floats with 24 position
Wider front spindles (the 4000rr had these)
Narrower skis
Chaincase guard on inside of tunnel
7 position coupler blocks (big hole in front of the rear axle)
Better secondary
Sometimes a hallow drive shaft
Stockish/aftermarket muffler, no idea how cat got sscc certs for these.
Different ecm for different pipe

Does the 9000 have all of these, no. But it's likely the best rough handling sled in cats lineup.
Along with doing the upgrade for cross shafts one should also installed the tunnel support plates for the cross shaft .
Barn of parts sells them.

I've always wondered about those tunnel braces and how well they actually work. The weak point in that tunnel should be the crease section that creates a stress riser just beyond those plates

Cat fixed this with the catalyst.
I've always wondered about those tunnel braces and how well they actually work. The weak point in that tunnel should be the crease section that creates a stress riser just beyond those plates

Cat fixed this with the catalyst.

Have not heard of any failures of tunnel damage with these plates.
Agree on the reinforcement. Have you seen the pefi solution? It’s nifty solution and looks better. I think it’s more expensive though. In the next couple of weeks I will be doing these on my two 998s as I do the spring maintenance on them
Why bother with the steel RR lower center shock shaft when there are a few places out there making stainless steel shafts... such as Barn of Parts. Rust on the shaft will take out the bushing in the lower shock eyelet fairly fast. A stainless steel shaft won't rust.
Why bother with the steel RR lower center shock shaft when there are a few places out there making stainless steel shafts... such as Barn of Parts. Rust on the shaft will take out the bushing in the lower shock eyelet fairly fast. A stainless steel shaft won't rust.
Agree on the center shock shaft. I finally had a failure on a 08 f800 with 12500 miles on it. The top from slider axle broke and the front skid center shock shaft bent. I think they probably broke from all the miles on them. With the 998s, I’m going to put in a better slider axle, and probably a new center shock shaft. Keep in mind that the aluminum wears therefore not damaging the shock. A steel center shock will not wear and could wear out the shock eyelet if you are not paying attention. Something to keep in mind.
The older cat front track shocks had plastic bushing in the eyelets.
