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Drove the XF 9000 Cross Country Limited (137)

This particular sled was going from dealer to dealer here in New Brunswick...my dealer told me no Sidewinders until next year.
Yes,but it did have the new sidewinder 998 motor in it,correct!
UPEI93,You cannot compare,i call bs on this review
UPEI93,You cannot compare,i call bs on this review

I did not compare anything but I did ride the sled...if it makes you feel like more of a man to call BS that's fine by me...each to their own!
To be specific no compares from cat to yammie with clutching,just saying..
UPEI93,You cannot compare,i call bs on this review
Why is it "BS"? He drove the sled & gave the conditions he rode it in & gave his ride analysis. So far he's the only non-paid person to ride & report.
It may not have been a 'winder, but it did have the new motor in a very similar chassis. It's all we have so far
Snowmobile.com says the Sidewinder has longer legs than the Thundercat , due to the clutches !

NOT due to clutches....due to gearing...Sidewinder is geared taller. For whatever reason, the Tcat is geared low...like 105mph low....
NOT due to clutches....due to gearing...Sidewinder is geared taller. For whatever reason, the Tcat is geared low...like 105mph low....
R U sure about that ?
I haven't dug into the gearing ratio , but the Yamaha clutch has overdrive , and not sure the Cat does .
Tcat 24-50 gearing....terrible...
any one know what the SW gears are on the 137 ?
21/41 and .91 OD at 8750 rpms woody stated that the SW he had was overevving to around 9000 rpms,so that may of helped that sled to its big top end speeds.
Just to correct the cat gearing will be the same as the yami gearing depending on tracks lengths used. IT was reported incorrectly on cats site and we will see when the production sleds come. That never made any sense as the only real difference between the Sidewinder and Thunder cat is the jackshaft(to accommodate the BOSS Team clutch) and both clutches. Al else is the same with the exception of plastic and stickers and choice of shocks. Cheers

The Tcat on Cat's page shows 24/50....the reports from one of the Mags put the sidewinder way out front...why? Gearing.
As someone else posted and quoted, it was said the Yamaha had 'longer legs' up top.
The Tcat is only available as one track length...137. Was the sidewinder a 137?
