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Dupont Slides Phazer

Does anyone know if the Dupont hyfax will fit other OEM profiles? Reason I ask is because I am running an EZ-Ryde skid which I believe has the same profile as the Polaris rails ... I remember reading another thread where someone asked whether Yamaha hyfax would fit on Ice Age rails. The consensus was that Ice Age uses a Polaris profile and that it was possible to run Yamaha hyfax on the Ice Age rails. My EZ-Ryde skid does not have any low-snow wheels (not that I couldn't put some on) and it would be nice to know if I could run the Dupont sliders.

Frankly I think it depends where you ride.

I changed my slides last winter, they weren't worn right out but had 2000 km on them... original slides still.
BombaPolaYama said:
YamRaider said:
I am going for a ride this weekend with new DuPont slides and the marginal snow wheel kit just installed. Hopefully the results will be good! If you want to reduce friction consider fully clipping the track. I did last season and it really helped.
Yep, my Crossover track is already fully clipped - was just asking if those new slides would be even more slippery due to not wearing as easily as the old style.
Let us know how it goes? Eh, you changed two variables so you won't know which one causes the improvement (LOL) :tg:
Even though I changed 2 variables BombaPolaYama the result is what I was I interested in and with a 105 miles on this weekend, some in some marginal snow, with the marginal snow wheels and DuPont slides I had no slide wear! Exactly what I hoped for ;)!
[quote="YamRaiderEven though I changed 2 variables BombaPolaYama the result is what I was I interested in and with a 105 miles on this weekend, some in some marginal snow, with the marginal snow wheels and DuPont slides I had no slide wear! Exactly what I hoped for ;)![/quote]
That's excellent - thanks for the update.
Over 400mi now.About a 100 riding double with my daughter on back in snirty conditions and still no visible wear anywhere.These are the real deal.One less thing to worry about.I also have no doubt that my wheels will last much longer since they arent doing anything anymore!
just got a set for the wifes sled, any difference for cutting the duponts vs a regular slide..

and just a helpful hint send your wives of girlfriends in to the shop to buy parts.. the guy sold my wife a set for $98 including tax..lmao!!!!!
That only works if the person working the parts counter is male and the wife/GF is good looking and a little bit of a flirt. lol.
ol.. she can flirt all she wants if it saves me $$$$$$

X2 ... Think you can get her to go back and buy me a set?
No difference cutting them.Hacksaw works well and then a grinder for tapering at ends.Mine still show no wear after this weekends riding which was in very bad conditions.Lot of ice and dirt.
Ahh, since no dealer in my region can get these animals, I am sure I was bidding on a pair last night on ebay against a few of my fellow TY'ers.

I have a new set coming for $119 shipped, no tax. I feel that was a good deal since my local dealer can't get them. (or maybe stopped trying)

I will watch to see if the Phazer or the Apex eats their existing sliders first. Then slap them on. WOO WOO! We had some crap snow up until now, so I ate the new ones on my Apex quickly.
