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Dynoed meth/water injected RX1 with Hurricane Racing


Check out the topic "400+hp on 92 octain pump gas??" as there is some discussion regarding your concern. I am gathering that if you are careful on your % concentration of your mix, the corrosion is a non-issue. The more methanol you have, the more corrosion potential?
Ethanol/water mix would be less corrosive while still offer great detonation prevention.
Rxrider have you looked into where to get premixed meth/water or just meth in Norway?

I have done some searching - it doesn't look good. There is a possibility to buy just meth, but you need premission to be able to buy it. I have not been able to get an answer to what Norwegian windshield fluid contains.

Looks like the Norwegian boost addicts have to start our own "moonshine factory" - LOL.

Any thoughts?
Washer fluids contains from 30-60% of some type of ethanol, gotta read on the container cause I don't remember what spiritous is used.
-40 windshield washer fluid is what I use.The cheap stuff.It's simple,go to the store and buy a jug,read the lable to make sure that there are no additives. Pour half of the contents out on the ground and then fill the jug up with water.Thats Meth,simple,cheap,always the consistant same!It's the WATER that you are really after.The alcohol is only in the mix to keep the water from freezing.Water is not that corosive guy's
Thanks for the advice, that would be meth as cheap as it gets and readily accessible everywhere, gas stations, grocery stores, U name it.

You could always bring an empty jug from last fill-up and split the full one, fill up both with water and have a blast :-)
Hey, be careful dumping out part of that washer fluid and adding more water. You are effectively "watering down" an already 25% mixture and from what I am learning is that the methanol is needed for detonation control as well. I'd be measuring the alcohol content in my washer fluid brand with a hydrometer or something, add methanol if anything.
In addition, you are also exposing your injection system to freezing (tank, pump, etc), worse case it stops working when you need it the most...
For the cost, just run the fluid as is? But maybe I am missing something still.
Not trying to be difficult,,,but,,,if your going to run straight washer fluid,do it with -20 fluid. That won't freeze till it gets to -20 or -40 deluted buy half freezes at about -20.eather way it's about the consistency.what ever you do,always do the same thing.As far as the alcohol needed for detonation,I agree that alcohol does have a higher octane then gas but not near high enough for the small amount used in a meth kit.That's why the water is important.The octane is very high in water and makes a substantial difference when injected in small amounts.
It's great that this site is here for discussions like this.That's how the word gets out to guy's with inquiring minds. But guy's,this is a nobrainer.It has been proven to work and all discussions by guy's that have used it have been positive to work with no corrosion or side affects
Good point! Sorry I guess I didn't absorb your -40 mix statement and the difference in solution concentration from the standard -20 fluid.

Yeah, as long as you are not risking going below 25%, i'd dillute a higher concentration to make it go farther. Like you said, consistency is crucial after you've dialed in a combo. Just like fuel...

...and make sure it's distilled water your adding, too?
I have never used distilled water. The nozzels have a disc that spins to help atomize the meth.Therefore,in my experiance,any minerals that are pressent in the water will just pass through with no residue.However,I feel that spring maintenance should include removing the nozzels and cleaning if necessary.
Thanks Mbarryracing for your thoughtfull imput to help guy's get this subject clear in there own minds :Rockon:
Oh, no need to thank me because I'm learning SO much from this forum, myself. It helps me understand things better by throwing questions out there, too, get's everyone thinking and sharing experience & knowledge.
Bench racing is where some of the best ideas and concepts come from!
Dave i was in Canadian Tire yesterday and i noticed they sell 99.9% pure Meth, its in the same aisle with the windshield washer fluid . I think it was around $6.50 a jug. Would this be better to you use? or stick to the windshield waher because i'm dialed in?
Trevor,that 99.9% meth is acually (as I understand it) alcohol.Stick with the washer fluid mix.It's the water that you need.If you had good rods in your engine,I would have turned up the boost on the dyno and you would have seen close to 400hp using the meth that we mixed.Then I would have really seen your knees shake..LOL
I will stick with the windshield washer. LOL :rofl: you will see them shake this summer again when we build a new motor. ;)!
