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ECP MOD airbox prices.

HOLY #*$&@!, Somebody slap me. L.B. is that really you, figures you would do that right after I sent my post in. Hey maybe you are getting the big picture after all. Way to go L.B. I like this new side to you now just don't forget to smile once in a while! ;)!
SUPERTUNER,,, The prices seem reasonable to me if it will out perform the filter kit. From what I have seen on this sight you seem to be a man of his word. If you say it will out run the filter kit then I see no reason to doubt you. If I get one I would go with #4. My problem is with cutting the hood. That kind of thing makes me a little nerves. After I see one installd, and it looks good then that might give me the guts to do it. I have had very good luck with CPR products and I would like to see what they come out with first... Are you coming to the NOVI show, with one installd ?....
I also think the prices seem fair given the gains in performance that Freddie is seeing. Even $860 seems very fair to me considering the work that is being done to the sled along with the installation of the new Air Box.

Basically I am just waiting on a picture of all of this installed to get more comfortable with an extra hole in my hood, and then a Christmas bonus check and a 2 1/2 hour drive to Waterbury...

Thanks Freddie.
Ram air

I kind of lost track in the 20 or so pages of info on the results, so I was wondering if the mod airbox outperforms the filters in still conditions(no air nozzles). For a mountain rider, which kit do you feel would be the best, the filters or the box. Thanks, keep up the great work!

Freddie, I take it that the exhaust remains stock?

Does your modified airbox incorporate a RAM AIR type scoop right on it and the hood is cut so that the scoop is sticking through when closed?
I'm fairly interested in the kit, but along with many others, I'm concerned about the snow plugging up the intake.

Even though I'm far from the mountains, I have a fairly hilly cottage road that is unplowed and is usually deep snow (no wind in the forest so it's usually very soft powder - at least up to my waist). Many, many times I have flogged my way down the road only to get stuck with the engine bogging and my filters/prefilters plugged solid with snow. (Without filters in years gone by I've had the carbs ice up as well as scuffed many a piston with snow ingestion). Part of the problem is it's often -30° out and the snow doesn't melt in the intake very quickly.

I stop my sled, pull out the (pre)filter, bang off the snow, and fire it up - ready to go. Only problem is my short track sled sinks in the snow and I spend the next hour digging out...

These experiences have been on stock sleds (not Yamaha though). Even my '97 Storm's dual intake plugs solid after "tunnelling" through the snow for a mile or so (have to stand to see over the "snow tunnel").

My preference would be for there to be an under hood air intake, perhaps a rubber flap that opens up under vacuum when the hood prefilter plugs up (it will).

I'd love to have a sled that can make it all the way in without me having to stop to clear the snow out of the intake. I'd also love to be able to take my buddies on their XCRs and F7s (and I doubt I will be able to stock).
Well, I'm to far to bring it in to have it done, but I have a buddy that's does plastic welding and specializes in sleds,,,,,but I'd like to see what the finished product looks like before I go ahead and order, quick someone get one on.
Almost RX-1 said:
I stop my sled, pull out the (pre)filter, bang off the snow, and fire it up - ready to go. Only problem is my short track sled sinks in the snow and I spend the next hour digging out...

My preference would be for there to be an under hood air intake, perhaps a rubber flap that opens up under vacuum when the hood prefilter plugs up (it will).

There is no possible way any aftermarket product is going to work for everyone. I am prepared to accept this with no problem.

You should know that the stock air intake is going to remain intact. This way the worst your sled will run is like a stock airbox even if the modified area gets completely plugged with snow. Cleaning the plugged area will be as easy or maybe even easier than the ECP Air Kit, so I guees this should no longer worry most of you. The other thing to and I ask this more than state it...is it reasonable to think that with the additional power you would get stuck less? Just a thought.

Bob Miller...you could run any exhaust that you want. I have tested with both a stock exhaust and a Bender Loud. They are real close to each other in terms of performance and power.

Lance...the MOD airbox is outperforming the Air Kit ON THE DYNO. I have a fellow who sent me his airbox and they are starting to talk snow already in his part of the world. If some early season field testing gets done...great! If not and someone wants to purchase the kit, I am not going to deny anyone the chance to try it. It needs to simply be understood however that this is a ground floor opportunity and I will share every bit of information that I know about it. The other choice is to keep the product off the market like I did with the air kit and not offer to sell them until I have tested them myself. This might take a year or so...are all of you willing to be that patient?

The more I think about it, the more I may end up going this way but I will not deny anyone the kit as long as they understand all of this. I personally feel very, very, very, very confident with this MOD airbox and feel that I could make it work well. There are plenty of intelligent and smart people out there that could easily handle this too.
Last year when I came down hard on Lazy Bastard for his sometimes stupid and arrogant posts, everyone came down hard on me, and basically called me a jerk. Now I see some of you have finally saw the light. What gives?

Does your modified airbox incorporate a RAM AIR type scoop right on it and the hood is cut so that the scoop is sticking through when closed?

Freddie You missed my second question
Soooo,Ummmmmm, I guess I'll just wait until the stage 2 is done to my sled and wait for Freddie to tell me what set -up I am getting, OK. <---(This is me being bored)

By the way Freddie My stock air box is leaving tomorrow and you should see it like Monday..........Cubby
You should know that the stock air intake is going to remain intact. This way the worst your sled will run is like a stock airbox even if the modified area gets completely plugged with snow.

This sounds even better to me.

At very high speeds, air could possibly exit out of the stock air intake, reducing the ram air pressure boost slightly. I assumed you would plug it up to reduce this chance.

My thinking is:

If I assume that typically with a stock air box, not only are there compromizes on the internal air velocities, but there is also likely a slight drop in pressure relative to the ambient due to restrictions on air intake. Say 1/4 psi or so (total guess).

With the ram air setup and an appropriately sized opening, you could theoretically get say 1/8 psi boost (I haven't done the math - just read a post stating this...). This would be like running a small turbo at 3/8 psi without the added weight, nor increase in backpressure (not to mention the improved airflow due to tuning of the pre-carb intake runners or whatever you are doing).

This 1/8 psi boost might be enough to see a little reverse flow out of the stock intake. It's possible plugging the stock intake might give a little better top end.

I like your dual intake setup best for my application though.
Bob Miller said:
Does your modified airbox incorporate a RAM AIR type scoop right on it and the hood is cut so that the scoop is sticking through when closed?

Freddie You missed my second question

Sorry Bob...At this time, there is no hood scoop on the hood. My thought on this was that a scoop would make it easier for snow to actually funneled into the airbox.

Almost RX1...the lower stock opening on the airbox so far has not shown better performance on the dyno and I don't think it will in the field either. The draw from the carbs is far more vaccum than what will be forced into the airbox for pressure. Although the term "RAM AIR" sounds wicked cool, most would be surprised to see how little actual pressure is inside the air even with ram air due to the fact that it is linearly being raised and dropped with throttle position, which when you think about it is the ultimate deal without artificial air being forced into the intact tracts via a turbo or supercharger.

Wait till you all see my Fuel Injection system I am desiging and building here! Billet throttle bodies that Cubby could polish and everything! In fact they won't need polishing because they look like pieces of jewelry! These are like nothing you have ever seen before!
The other thing to and I ask this more than state it...is it reasonable to think that with the additional power you would get stuck less? Just a thought.

Freddie, buddy....... your line of reasoning with this question is exactly opposite to what will happen (to me anyway). More power = getting stuck MORE and getting stuck WORSE :D
