Electrical Question #1


Please stay between the markers!
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction score
NW Wisc.
Bought a new 05 Vector which I still have
24K miles
The picture is of course a multimeter. What I was measuring was the current draw with everything off and all fuses pulled. I had one multimeter lead on the negative cable and the other multimeter lead on the negative post of the battery.

Can anybody tell me what the reading is and is this OK or not?
that looks like the apropriate draw for the clock and to retain the hand warmer settings.
that looks like the apropriate draw for the clock and to retain the hand warmer settings.

The dash pod is not on the sled.
There is almost always a parasitic draw on the battery which is ok as long as it's small. The general rule in the automotive industry is that less than 50 mA is acceptable. Your reading is 130 mA which seems a little high but could be due to the quality of the meter being used. If you already have the display removed you could also try unplugging the ECU and voltage regulator/rectifier to see if there is a drop in the reading.
There is almost always a parasitic draw on the battery which is ok as long as it's small. The general rule in the automotive industry is that less than 50 mA is acceptable. Your reading is 130 mA which seems a little high but could be due to the quality of the meter being used. If you already have the display removed you could also try unplugging the ECU and voltage regulator/rectifier to see if there is a drop in the reading.

I admit that the multi-meter that I used is about one level above a piece of junk. Sometimes when I measure it it's .08 and then another time it's .11 and then another time it's .13. Can you show me where the ECU and voltage regulator plugs are somehow?
They are located in the nose of the chassis.
Looking at the nose of the sled from the front is the voltage regulator the black thing on the left? The ECU is the silver thing on the right?
I was able to disconnect the tube connectors on the black thingy on the left but was not able to remove the two connectors on the right silver thingy because I did not have the right kind of Torx. The type of Torx bolt used here has some type of projection in the center and whatever type of Torx size remover that is I don't have it.
130 ma. ... that cannot be. Too high. Look for 13ma.
I would read the manual for that mm meter first. You at 20ma scale, so what you see is not ampere #, its miliamp.
At 130ma, don't blink an eye during summer then battery is empty. That's 6 days for a 20 ah unit.
changing the scale on a DMM does not change the value being read on the display. The scale only changes the resolution of the reading.
Rule I always go buy is if it's not enough to light a light bulb it's not enough to worry about. Use a Testlight.
Sorry... i was on my phone and did not see the image correct.
You were reading 0.13 ma not 130 ma. So that is nothing there.
