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Facebook Bans me, WTF!!!


Site Admin/CEO
Staff member
Apr 13, 2003
Schofield, WI
2020 Sidewinder SRX
Facebook has disabled my account and will be removing it in 30 days. Good thing a few years back I made my wife a admin to TY Facebook as we still have access to that side just not on my personal account. I have contested it over and over and the Facebook Team and the company META that runs the security is not helping what so ever. They send me into the vicious cycle of uploading a driver license to verify who I am and they keep coming back that the account will stay disabled and the decision is final. My account was compromised from an old email address from about 10 years ago that was never cleared from the account and some nasty stuff was posted, from what I understand based on the ban to the account. I was informed VIA email that it happened at 2AM on 10/21/22 and by the time I could get to it, it was too late. I am posting to warn others that even though I have had no issues in 15 + years that they don’t care and will not help you in a situation like this. I have read thousands that have been in the same boat as me and Facebook will do nothing to help you get back on or help you download any of your memories. They direct you to a download that has 3 profiles pics and a few security things and that’s about it. No other info is in that download file that is worth a crap. I have always hated Facebook due to the fact of how it’s being run and all the political crap that’s allowed and now this. So word to the wise get off that worthless place or back up your memories or this could happen to you. Anything that I uploaded as a photo album and tagged other people or made someone else a contributor is now also gone from their accounts. If anyone has any info or help on how I can rectify this, please post. All I want to do is get back some photo albums. Spread the word and tell others that Facebook as not a good place and they don’t protect your data or help those that are on the site. I have also read numerous articles that Facebook actually allows hackers to get on the site to help them find vulnerability and then don’t help those account that are damaged. Lets make some noise out there. They need to step up and actually have some help available and not just blow you off because they have so many people on that they just don’t care…

Facebook has disabled my account and will be removing it in 30 days. Good thing a few years back I made my wife a admin to TY Facebook as we still have access to that side just not on my personal account. I have contested it over and over and the Facebook Team and the company META that runs the security is not helping what so ever. They send me into the vicious cycle of uploading a driver license to verify who I am and they keep coming back that the account will stay disabled and the decision is final. My account was compromised from an old email address from about 10 years ago that was never cleared from the account and some nasty stuff was posted, from what I understand based on the ban to the account. I was informed VIA email that it happened at 2AM on 10/21/22 and by the time I could get to it, it was too late. I am posting to warn others that even though I have had no issues in 15 + years that they don’t care and will not help you in a situation like this. I have read thousands that have been in the same boat as me and Facebook will do nothing to help you get back on or help you download any of your memories. They direct you to a download that has 3 profiles pics and a few security things and that’s about it. No other info is in that download file that is worth a crap. I have always hated Facebook due to the fact of how it’s being run and all the political crap that’s allowed and now this. So word to the wise get off that worthless place or back up your memories or this could happen to you. Anything that I uploaded as a photo album and tagged other people or made someone else a contributor is now also gone from their accounts. If anyone has any info or help on how I can rectify this, please post. All I want to do is get back some photo albums. Spread the word and tell others that Facebook as not a good place and they don’t protect your data or help those that are on the site. I have also read numerous articles that Facebook actually allows hackers to get on the site to help them find vulnerability and then don’t help those account that are damaged. Lets make some noise out there. They need to step up and actually have some help available and not just blow you off because they have so many people on that they just don’t care…

Facebook is a cesspool. Not sure what we can do to help besides posting quality information here and redirecting the discussions to this site, thats what I do. I PM those that ask questions in the yamaha forums and let them know that the answers are here somewhere if I don't have a link handy for them.
Facebook is a cesspool. Not sure what we can do to help besides posting quality information here and redirecting the discussions to this site, thats what I do. I PM those that ask questions in the yamaha forums and let them know that the answers are here somewhere if I don't have a link handy for them.
Right!! I hate them now so much I am setting my site on more work here and having the wife help direct more thru the admin side.
Facebook has disabled my account and will be removing it in 30 days. Good thing a few years back I made my wife a admin to TY Facebook as we still have access to that side just not on my personal account. I have contested it over and over and the Facebook Team and the company META that runs the security is not helping what so ever. They send me into the vicious cycle of uploading a driver license to verify who I am and they keep coming back that the account will stay disabled and the decision is final. My account was compromised from an old email address from about 10 years ago that was never cleared from the account and some nasty stuff was posted, from what I understand based on the ban to the account. I was informed VIA email that it happened at 2AM on 10/21/22 and by the time I could get to it, it was too late. I am posting to warn others that even though I have had no issues in 15 + years that they don’t care and will not help you in a situation like this. I have read thousands that have been in the same boat as me and Facebook will do nothing to help you get back on or help you download any of your memories. They direct you to a download that has 3 profiles pics and a few security things and that’s about it. No other info is in that download file that is worth a crap. I have always hated Facebook due to the fact of how it’s being run and all the political crap that’s allowed and now this. So word to the wise get off that worthless place or back up your memories or this could happen to you. Anything that I uploaded as a photo album and tagged other people or made someone else a contributor is now also gone from their accounts. If anyone has any info or help on how I can rectify this, please post. All I want to do is get back some photo albums. Spread the word and tell others that Facebook as not a good place and they don’t protect your data or help those that are on the site. I have also read numerous articles that Facebook actually allows hackers to get on the site to help them find vulnerability and then don’t help those account that are damaged. Lets make some noise out there. They need to step up and actually have some help available and not just blow you off because they have so many people on that they just don’t care…
Mr sled, sadly this doesn’t even begin to surprise me or many others. This has been boiling up on many of the search engine sites like google,social media sites like twitter, meta/facebook even YouTube etc.It appears too many of these big tech companies have been compromised &bow down to political pressure, holywood& even bigger money. Many of them are stealing your data, tracking you ,sharing all of your info with who knows?& keeping files on you.I think many of their so called security teams from some of these companies actually enjoy the drama! Its really a shame as some of these companies could be quite useful but most people don’t want to deal with all of the b.s that is required. They ban people, quell free speech, take sides, fact check what they want & could care less of the implications as nobody can touch them.They do not value customers as they have so many they just cancel you & then move on or celebrate who knows?Especially (if your not playing their required games,)Alot of savvy people have caught onto their divisive tactics & have built or are in the process of building new non political free speech platforms,unbiased search engines, fair payment processing options & real websites like yours .So many people lose information,videos,pictures,stories,memories etc on facebook, twitter etc .Many times due to a technicality or policy violation or saying something that doesn’t fit the narrative. Sadly the users never seem to be able to get any help or retrieve any of their info. The best thing anyone can do is get away from these horrible sites& find a better alternative.sorry for the rant but it’s becoming the norm to see this kind of problem everyday & we have to change& try harder & do better or it will only get worse.
I dont have a Facebook account, I realized a long time ago it's nothing but a trap. Yes it's nice to get photo's from friends and family but the dangers of FB far outweigh just making a phone call or visit to someone you want to communicate with. This is (TY) the only social media I use believe it or not..what sucks is that almost all snowmobile clubs use FB. I'd be nice to get trail updates without using FB so I'm out of luck or have to call a friend to get info on trail conditions...I know I know..just can't do FB
Mr. Sled, they did you a favor...FB is run by and for a bunch of communists and that alien looking MZ
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I dont have a Facebook account, I realized a long time ago it's nothing but a trap. Yes it's nice to get photo's from friends and family but the dangers of FB far outweigh just making a phone call or visit to someone you want to communicate with. This is (TY) the only social media I use believe it or not..what sucks is that almost all snowmobile clubs use FB. I'd be nice to get trail updates without using FB so I'm out of luck or have to call a friend to get info on trail conditions...I know I know..just can't do FB
Same here! Never had it, never will.
I was on it only to try and help save traffic and help the site grow. But that all backfired on me and this is my home. Then I got wrapped up in the usage and watched so many business including Yamaha going that route to use Facebook. In a way it’s better for me and the wife will just have to help out lol. She’s loves it anyway.

Thanks for all the support.
You're not the only one who hates. It seems the market does too, as the share price is down 25% in two days!

Predominantly because of their failed vision of virtual reality. If you think that FB is a trap now, in the FB version of virtual reality they want to trap not just people but brands into their portal which for all intents and purposes, is their definition of reality.

FB is super convenient because most of the audience struggles with even straightforward sites like forums. I don't know how many people I have referred to Ty4stroke that have complained that they cannot figure it out but its a bunch. The reality is that they are too lazy to put in the effort and therein you have the real problem. Sites like twitter/tik tok/fb, etc all count on that laziness to trap people into feeling connected, and then exploit them.
Predominantly because of their failed vision of virtual reality. If you think that FB is a trap now, in the FB version of virtual reality they want to trap not just people but brands into their portal which for all intents and purposes, is their definition of reality.

FB is super convenient because most of the audience struggles with even straightforward sites like forums. I don't know how many people I have referred to Ty4stroke that have complained that they cannot figure it out but its a bunch. The reality is that they are too lazy to put in the effort and therein you have the real problem. Sites like twitter/tik tok/fb, etc all count on that laziness to trap people into feeling connected, and then exploit them.
That is so true. Laziness and just pure stupidity to the point that how can they even do their own work.
Predominantly because of their failed vision of virtual reality. If you think that FB is a trap now, in the FB version of virtual reality they want to trap not just people but brands into their portal which for all intents and purposes, is their definition of reality.

FB is super convenient because most of the audience struggles with even straightforward sites like forums. I don't know how many people I have referred to Ty4stroke that have complained that they cannot figure it out but its a bunch. The reality is that they are too lazy to put in the effort and therein you have the real problem. Sites like twitter/tik tok/fb, etc all count on that laziness to trap people into feeling connected, and then exploit them.
The best thing for FB would be for Zuckerberg to step down as CEO. His focus on the silly metaverse is destroying billions in shareholder value.

MrSled for CEO lol
After getting my dad out of this vicious cycle one time, I setup two factor authentication on all my families accounts. This has stopped the attempts to hack accounts.

I'm not saying FB is not the devil. I'm just being devils advocate here. Keep in mind the amount of old idiots out there that are getting hacked every day and the amount of contested accounts they have to deal with daily. Sooner or later they have to put their foot down and say, "sorry, you lost the photos you should have backed up of your kids, move on and make another account"

That may sound harsh, but it's not FB, it's the scammy overseas hackers that ruined it. This can all be avoided by setting up proper two factor authentication. It sounds hindsight in your case, but for anyone else that still uses any online account (anything) setup proper security to avoid this issue. As it will happen exactly the same way with any other account you have online besides the local bank you can walk into the office and flop your id down on the counter.

Reality sucks in today's world
