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FAST KING AIR. Suspension any experience.

I will say HI. Spoke to them and Thursdays the day.
How much top end do you think you guys lost having the king air ? I don’t have a sidewinder but a viper and I really don’t want to loose any top end being that there isn’t much now. Remembering back in the old m10 days you lost top end and not much weight transfer on take off
i don't think that my brother in law lost that much his is viper with turbo maybe 2mph but the ride is an handling are 300 percent better .
Did he do the fronts too? Did it change the rear height a bunch or is it same?
Any updates on this? Did you end up getting the King air? Seriously considering this option as opposed to upgrading shocks in factory skid to Elkas. There's not many people who have this skid, so hard to get real world experience or reviews besides the 3 articles that are out there.
you will not be disappointed in that king air but I would also get the front too
Will be able to tell you shortly.
Hoping to pick my King Aire up this week for my 06 attak.
Hoping to pick my King Aire up this week for my 06 attak.
They made king air for more than the procross chassis now? Last I heard they were working on the gen4 skidoo but hadent heard of other platforms yet
I honestly am not aware? They took my order on Monday and said it should be ready by the end of the week. I live about 45 min from their facility. Hoping to pick it up Friday
I honestly am not aware? They took my order on Monday and said it should be ready by the end of the week. I live about 45 min from their facility. Hoping to pick it up Friday
They called and said I can pick up the suspension and front shocks this afternoon
About 7hrs total. I still have to set shocks etc. Cant wait for a ride
About 7hrs total. I still have to set shocks etc. Cant wait for a ride
Keep us posted.
Been considering 1 to keep my ape relevant for a little longer.
Keep us posted.
Been considering 1 to keep my ape relevant for a little longer.
Have to say Gerard was a great guy to talk with. Took us all around the shop. Saw 2 new Blades being built, one 2 stroke and one 4 stroke. They still build 5-10/ yr. First time I had seen one in person, and have never seen machined billet aluminum components on a sled before. It was a great time.

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