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Fixing loud clutch

Yes WTF Yamaha is a good way of putting it. Why use a cheap 1991 phazer type clutch with new sliders. It is apparent to me that their engineers did not get theses sleds from cat soon enough to do proper testing on them. What other answer could there be?? A lot of positives with this sled, but there are some negatives which should be addressed by Yamaha not owners. Spring Surge is coming, going to be a good place to discuss theses negatives with reps..

It will be interesting to see if they realize / admit / recognize their mistake by upgrading the 2018 clutches, or just play ostrich with us.
Heck I still can't get replacement rollers for my secondary yet, (bought cat until). You have done some magic tricks to get all you've gotten so far haven't you?
I had to bro,other wise my sled would still be in pieces. Yamaha,is still asleep in the parts department,still no LTX or RTX parts still yet. They just got BTX in yesterday,i was hoping by april they would have a side panel for the LTX,nope not yet,again let down,but as you know,it will be spring soon,maybe after next week lol. time to uncover the 4-wheeler.
