Flasher - Stopped working


Apr 30, 2012
Reaction score
Ottawa Lake MI
2018 Sidewinder LTX LE, blue
2011 Apex 128, Ulmer Airbox and clutch kit, PCV, HID
1980 Exciter 300
I think my TD Gap flasher quit on me. It has been on the sled since 2018 and worked up thru March last season. Now, it won't connect via the Gap app (the key is on and even tried starting it). The phone app still has the flasher as logged in, just won't "connect to tool". When it's plugged in to the sled, the light never blinks. I unplug from sled and plug into the computer, the red light flashes once and then never again. And the GAP Updated software doesn't recognize it. Lastly, when I start it, the current tune doesn't show up on the hours display on the dash as it usually does. Any thoughts or suggestions? It's been so long since I messed with this and tried reading the other threads to figure it out. The kicker: of course this happens after I put the sled for sale. Really don't want to dump more money into it but want it right for the next owner.
Unfortunately, if the laptop doesn't recognize it you can pitch it in the trash can.
Was worried about that. The flash to pass button stopped working a few years ago. At least I'll get that functionality back... Would I buy one thru Gap or TD?
The flashers are brand sensitive so just make sure it's compatible with your TD tunes.
My flasher died on me a few yrs back. There was corrosion inside, had to open case and clean them, it has worked ever since.
Fyi: I don't leave flasher on sled anymore, put it in gear bag when sled is sitting!
Thanks. I opened the case and didn't see any corrosion but will look harder. What did you use to clean it? Rubbing alcohol with a Q-tip?
Yes on the alcohol & q tip.
I don't remember if the corrosion was necessarily visible.
I think back when it happened I called Td and Ben recommended to try this
A few seasons ago my flasher became loose and slid under the exhaust shield and melted it almost beyond recognition. I cleaned the melted casing up with a utility knife and file and wrapped it in black gorilla tape and fortunately it is still working but far from pretty.
