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found out why i lost my speed on apexgt

machzed said:
SledFreak said:
I live in Sault Ste. Marie. That's a good 5-6 hr drive for me. We still have some good trails up here, so I probably will just finish up this weekend or next, but thanks for the offer. I just back from a 400 miles trip last weekend and it was an awesome ride. Left the Sault and rode Elliot Lake, Blind River and home. I left from my door. It was a great time..... Now I have time left to see what I can get out of my sled.

ahhh ok,for some reason i thought you might be down near niagara too....keep me posted on what you end up doing and how shes running..

Dan Check out BlueByYou2000 posts on the mod results on his clutch setup for 06's for next year. I will be doing his mods for next year on my GT. From what I hear, it hauls the mail. 136 on the Dream meter with the stock clutch components, different secondary, windage plates and gearing change. He machines the Primary and stock helix to get a full shift. I think the stock setup works better than Proline (unless you have major traction, then Proline will rule) but for the 96-144 studs, the stocker will out pull the Proline from 0 - 80 by a bit, but the Proline will shift the sled out and make it really pull past 80 through to my top speed, which was 127 on the DM, which was way better than (4 mph difference)my stock setup/runs. We used my buddies F7 as a test sled and he used to beat me by 3 sled legths. Now I beat him by 4 or more sled lengths but he let off because he was getting pelted with snow (ripsaw.....) This was all done on a hard packed groomed trail so I know on a road or ice I would break 130 on DM pretty easy. I also had the 23 top gear in it. I'm going to keep the Proline kit just for drags. Matts setup should be good for you, for radaring. Aslo, you need tro put the stock Apex ER windshield on for Radaring. That small one is killing top speed.

Yummy said:
Well, I've been running 750+ miles with the BRP wheels and guess What? The two inners wheels have loss theirs rubbers. So this morning the sled is back to the dealers. They will let me know what the next move.

Ditto.....looks like cookie monster took some bites out of them!
Thank for the advise machzed,

The dealer will install two spoked wheels for the inner and 4 new regulars. Planning other 600 miles trip fri-Sat.

Almost forget; one of the exhaust pipe broke at the engine; currently pipe is BO but will know for sure tomorrow. Ask the dealer if weldding was possible if the piece is BO!!! He will ask his mechanic. Also sent the seat to get it wrap tight.

Will let u know how it goes.
Just came back...Yesterday after 360 miles everything was A-OK, temperature was mild.
But, this morning the trail were frozen. My slidders got very HOT, every I was touching: wheels, track, suspension hardware was hot. Then, the engine over heated....Lucky for me, one hour later the sun had started to melt the snow...The engine temp. came back OK. Near home, we decided to take short cut by the lake...Result: All my NEW wheels have loss the rubber and track was very hot.

Is there anyone have a idea to what is causing that annoying problem? Would that be a comception problem from the mono suspension?

I think there's lots of heat and pressure in that suspension.

Are other peoples having that problem or is it only me?

In the meantime, back to the dealer tomorrow...
WOW, I guess I'm alone in that situation or people have not put that kind of millage yet.

I wonder if the problem come from the ripsaw track?

Anyhow I must fix this issue before the warranty ends.
RTX Meirda said:
What kind of studs are you using? Are you using tall nuts?
"this is why i installed a new 9837 camo fully clipped track right off the bat...ripsaw to me was never any good...

also,BRP wheel are too large,I added 6 plus 2 rear axle spoked accesory book wheels in black..they look awesome,are lighter and use the thinner bearing like stockers...works well."

How is your wheels holding up with the 1" track. Are you doing much lake long run?

Not sure if the question was addressed to me??? I'm running 144 signatures down the middle.

Talk to the dealer last nite...He will ordered 6 wheels + slidders. He also told me I will call YAMAHA techies for that problem.
