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guys with tunes who trade up sleds.

That's not what I said at all sir. I still have the conversion. Something was not clear in my answer I guess.

I said if you are bying a new sled and want to switch you can, I can revert that Ecu to stock and flash your new Ecu for the price of an update. That is a base price for making a change of tune.

If you want to give or sell your sled and leave powertrail in it, then you have to buy a new tune obviously.

Your not helping the Yamaha cause! LOL very generous offer there.

Yes it is although the SW is long gone down the road. I get what you're saying though.
I'm pretty sure your looking for more of a customer rewards card.....like people wear around their necks at casinos!

I am certain Arctic Cat has to have some type of program.....they'd have to, because I see dudes wearing coats with dumb looking cat heads / Saber Tooth Tigers skulls and #*$&@. And I think to myself: " Geez...I don't think I'd walk around with a picture of a deformed cat head on my back, even if they gave it to me."

(Sorry, couldn't help chiming in, so I could point out the dumb Cat Skull coats!)

Q. Arrius
Haha Ofy. I always said to my cat buddy, "it's not the sleds I hate, just their owners." hehehe.
