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Help- At a loss will not start


Nov 30, 2019
Reaction score
Lindstrom, MN
Nytro RTXSE Phazer RTX
My kids 09 phazer RTX will not start?

Gone thru the posts here and suggestions with no luck. Gone thru the following.....

1. grounding block update done, no signs of damage
2. replaced starter relay/solenoid
3. changed battery (brand new)
4. pulled starter to check phase alignment- green line matches indexing
5. checked connections for corrosion
6. jumped starter relay starter spins

error-1 Code 46 on display. Acts as though the battery is dead. Will only turn over a few times, not nearly fast enough to start. Load tested with meter at battery during start and voltage drops to around high 9's.

Help is appreciated.

For ER-1, I know that happened on the Phazer with a bad main ground wire connector. It's on the main ground wire from the battery just under it. I just cut it out and soldered the wire. No point of having a connector there.

If that's not it, jumping the two main points on the relay it doesn't crank? Maybe the starter itself is done. Did you test it outside the engine? If it's internally shorted, it could be dropping the voltage so much that it triggers that code. I've also seen a bad starter pull so much current that the main wire would get hot.
Thanks Mooseman

Additional info....

This no start condition goes back to late last season. Wife was riding and died on trail. Would not start as if battery was dead. Been tinkering with this thru out the off season.

Replaced the stater as well which may not have been the issue.

Just removed main ground wire plug connection under battery, soldered directly together.... same result.

When I removed starter the spline gear seemed to be locked up. Took starter apart, all magnets seamed to be in place, reassembled and bench tested with separate battery- jumps as if it is operating.

Is it possible that the starter is in fact the cause of this? Seams odd that the starter would spin when jumping main points (although still slow). Also why would starter failure cause sled to die on trail when running?

Don't know what I'm missing.

Code 46 is low voltage to FI
Does the fuel pump run when the ignition is turned on?
Yup. Fuel pump turns on as normal, I can hear it power up and prime when ignition is turned on.

I've always waited to for pump to power up and prime prior to starting (have a nytro as well which I do the same thing as they always seem to start quicker).
Have you tried jump starting it? If you are seeing 9v at crank either battery is shot or bad connection somewhere.
Yes, have tried jumping with same result. And also is brand new battery fully charged- reading 12.4-12.6 on tester.

There also is a high pitched squeal coming from around the battery area when attempting to start. What could that be? Never heard that sound before.

Electrical Gremlins grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
I'm thinking there is a high draw either due to a bad ground or starter. try running a separate ground wire to the block and see what happens.
It may be new, but is it a good battery, or was it properly prepped. Should have 12.8 on its own with no load.
Believe it or not, I've actually had customers over the years buy batteries from big brand name stores or somewhere and it wasn't charged , or even filled with acid in some cases.
Not saying this is it, just giving an idea.
Do you or someone you know have a load tester?
Update for for anyone experiencing this....

Load tested battery(s) both checked out fine.

Removed starter again- seamed to be the source of draw down. Sure enough it was locked up again. Had the front clip off still so wasn’t a big deal.

Got one from local supplier and bingo she roars back to life

Thanks everyone for your input!! Definitely was getting frustrated but having reassurance that I was chasing down the right path was very helpful.

Hopefully this helps someone in the future.

Thanks All.
