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HELP! Using LOTS of oil


Took a few things apart.....This time the airbox is dry...?? I checked all the hoses they are properly hooked up (damn, thought it could be a simple fix), but no such luck.

Okay, question.....If I run it like this until the end of the season, what is the risk of a full failure? Is it likely, or will I just consume gobs of oil. I am supposed to do a 600+ mile ride in the UP next week. Would like to do the ride if my motor isn't going to come apart or do more damage. I do still have full power, just going through oil.

Opinions please......

Thanks again everyone for all the help, and direction, it is VERY much appreciated......This site does ROCK!

Mike out

It wont hurt a think to run it like it is provided the leak down test comes back even. Another possible issue could be if the air box vents froze up and that causes a blockage and forces oil into the box. I would bring some oil take your trip on after the first 200-300 miles check your level and see if the air box is froze up. If not and oil level is good your safe, if your low on oil its likely burning it up.

Also I didn't catch in the thread what oil are your running? I found dino 5x30 oil slowed my consupmtion way down. Did 1000 miles like this and it was no issue.
If you keep running it and it has lots of leakdown, it will continue to distort the bore. You don't want to continue to run an injured engine. Before you know it, it will have rods hanging out the block. Pistons overheat and break along with wrist pins. Did you do a leakdown yet?
