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Honda concept snowmobile

It's only a matter of time. New battery material/power source is in the works and will be on the market before long. I'm 55 and expect to be riding a electric sled before I'm to old to ride. As with all new ideas fear, uncertainty & doubt (FUD factor) will steer some away but changes are coming.
Interesting! I'm thinking with that battery pack configuration it would create a more mid engine type weight distribution somewhat like a Porsche or Ferrari. Not sure if that is a good thing in snowmobile design, but obviously pretty hard to do with a heavy block internal combustion engine design we currently have. Leave it to Honda to be on the leading edge for a product line they don't even offer.
This video pops up once a month. Made by british student as a degree project, he obviously doesn´t have experience about snowmobiles. He uses Honda automobile logo, not motorsports. One thing that is difficult to mix is cold winter and Lithium batteries.
Where did he get his inspiration I wonder...

