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Ice Ripper XT Problems


Dec 10, 2007
Reaction score
Oshawa, Ontario
If you use this type of track, check for pre-mature wear on the inner side of the track, where the outside idlers and axle wheels run. Mine has around 3000 miles on it and has worked very well, but I have noticed wear and damage and am returning it for a warranty claim.

The track looks great, has no lugs torn and only one stud broke. The problem is that the rubber is dimpled/blistered in many locations directly under the contact area of the rear outer main axle wheels. The rubber delaminates from the support bars in the track, dimples, then cracks. Once there is a path for water, it enters then freezes causing a blister and eventully it tears away leaving a 1/2" square hole.

This just happened to a friend of mine who has just slightly more miles on his, which caused me to investigate further. :o|

Hope this helps someone........... :Rockon:


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Mine just did the same thing in 500 miles. No warranty, they say my OE wheels are to big and caused the problem!!!!!!!!!
2 year warranty ....right!!
Patch the hole with Urethane. same stuff they use to install car windshield.

Great stuff and it is thought and flexible, use myself for mono shock rubbing that make hole in center.
