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Is your current Yamaha really that bad?

My first Yamaha was a new 05 Vector. It gave me no problems other than broken rear suspension parts (I ride hard over nasty terrain). After 3 problem-free seasons , I went back to Polaris. I’ve been riding Polaris since 92. They NEVER gave me any problems....until I bought that 09 Assault. Holy crap what a #*$&@-show that was. Rode it for three seasons, and then it sat for three seasons while I tried to sell it. Took a bath on that one! No more Polaris for me! Three seasons ago I bought a used Nytro MTX hill climb racer from Port Washington. Took it up north for the first time two weeks ago. It ran like a top for three outta the four days. On day four the charging system quit working. Which I thought odd concidering it has only 1600 miles on it. But, it got me back to the cabin only needing a jumpstart. I rode the hell outta that thing! And it survived and was funner than my 05 Nytro and 09 Assault! Sure, I now need to replace the stator and regulator, prolly gonna pop a new starter and updated gears n it. Lots of money to spend for only having ridden once up north in three years. But, it “seems” like a good sled. One worth owning. It’s fun to ride. And it “seems” well made. The new Catamaha ....not so much. Maybe it’s my bias towards arctic cat? I think they’re junk. I won’t denigrate others for buying and riding them. But I won’t buy one. Instead , I’ll call Port Washington and order parts to keep my hillclimb racer going. Because it’s a “real” Yamaha , and I like it.


You know what settled my soul a bit yesterday was seeing Chris Reid in Yamaha marketing films again. He was the true ambassador for Yamaha Snowmobiles. And when he departed as well as Sled Talk, I thought the end was near.

So now that we see his bright face and half-cocked grin again, I sure wish he would chime in here and throw some kool aid at everyone. Just his presence in the vids leads me to believe Yamaha has a long term plan. He really didn't deny the doom and gloom years back. So I would never expect him to sugar coat anything now. We need that ambassador back again.

I don't care if we have a half decade of half-breed sleds. As long as Yamaha has a clear path towards true c0-designed sleds, that's fine.

Common Chris, chime in please!
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I have over 8000 miles on my 2017 Sidewinder and have had the oil tank leak and a code 26 a few times. I would buy another one. The issue I have with yamaha as of late is the colour scheme choices. For the love of god how difficult would it be to offer 2 colour choices per model. They already have 3 or 4 base colours and would just have or change up the decals..
I have over 8000 miles on my 2017 Sidewinder and have had the oil tank leak and a code 26 a few times. I would buy another one. The issue I have with yamaha as of late is the colour scheme choices. For the love of god how difficult would it be to offer 2 colour choices per model. They already have 3 or 4 base colours and would just have or change up the decals..

I would agree with that. Since I am possibly picking out my next sled, when it comes up used in 2-3 years. I would have liked to see the Sidewinder GT in Yamaha Blue. Maybe that will come with the BNG for 2021. They could follow suit like SkiDoo and Polaris to offer color/track choices for spring orders. That's no skin off anyones back since the VIN is assigned prior to deliver.

Skin that Winder GT in all Yamaha Blue and throw on a 1.6" Ice Cobra please! Take my money (functional mirrors, F'n A Cotton!!)
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You know what settled my soul a bit yesterday was seeing Chris Reid in Yamaha marketing films again. He was the true ambassador for Yamaha Snowmobiles. And when he departed as well as Sled Talk, I thought the end was near.

So now that we see his bright face and half-cocked grin again, I sure wish he would chime in here and throw some kool aid at everyone. Just his presence in the vids leads me to believe Yamaha has a long term plan. He really didn't deny the doom and gloom years back. So I would never expect him to sugar coat anything now. We need that ambassador back again.

I don't care if we have a half decade of half-breed sleds. As long has Yamaha has a clear path towards true c0-designed sleds, that's fine.

Common Chris, chime in please!
Like I said in a similar post on the winder forum, CR is enjoying a much deserved retirement. I’m sure if he wanted to chime in about any of this he would do so. I tried to pry some info out of him last year and there was no chance! Lol
I've been riding a 2010 turbo'ed nytro for the past year with almost 9000k on it. Is it heavy compared to an 800 Doo? Yes. Does it float on the powder the same way? No. On the flip side, when squeezing the throttle at 3000 rpm does it pull hard and consistent all the way up to red line? Yes! I sure can appreciate the other guy's product but I'm satisfied with what I have and the more I ride, the more I learn and the more I can handle it. I can't speak to Yammy's newer models but I sure do wonder at times. It's not so much what you ride, you just need to (quoting a recent EDM song) "enjoy the ride". I'll also say I'm glad to be the 'outlaw', the only guy I know that rides a Yamaha.
I was kinda hoping you’d stick around even if it does end Tom. I’m at a loss for words with this year’s release, and am more confused than ever about the direction Yammy is taking with the sled division. Having said that, I love my sleds, I love to ride, and will continue to help out around here where/when I can with the like minded guys who continue to be here for the right reasons.

I think this is very well put and I feel the same way. With a pretty mediocre 2020 release for all the major brands really, it would have been way over the top and the talk of the sledding community if Yamaha would have came out with an 800 class 2 stroke or a more competitively weighted 4 stroke (understand that's more of a mix/off trail rider request). It will be interesting to see what happens to Yamaha, Arctic Cat, and their joint venture in the years to come.

I love my sled, I love to ride, and I'm thankful we have such a great Yamaha specific site to support my snowmobiling addiction!
Is my current Yamaha really that bad ? It’s half cat ... I wouldn’t own a sidewinder right now if Yamaha ( marketing) didn’t go the wrong direction with the 2011 apex . Who ever came up with the design of adding weight and gadgets and not focus on ride forward & weight reduction was at the helm of Yamaha s current position. Just think if the 2011 apex had lost 30-40lbs & had raised & Moved forward 4-5 inches riding position. Then in 2017 we would have a all Yamaha turbocharged sled .....
I have been snowmobiling since 1982, I believe. First sled was a Yamaha SS440. I have owned for my family: Enticer 300, Enticer 250, Excell III 340, Phazer II, Phazer Long Track, Exciter (Phazer style), VMax XT 500 &600,
VMax 700 (tricked out), SR Viper, Phazer (VMax style), two first year Vectors, 4 stroke Venture, RX1, and now currently an '06 Vector and '08 Vector LTX. I have gotten out of snowmobiling 3 times and gotten back in after realizing it wasn't time, the last time being two years ago (driving the wife crazy). I have had up to 5 sleds to maintain at one time. All Yamaha's except for one Indy Trail I had for 1/2 a season. I have often felt Yamaha has trailed in snowmobile development, but when I look back at what I have had, and have had very few problems, I know why I have stayed with Yamis. I have spent more on service work this year with my current two sleds, and one has had another issue that is currently being diagnosed, but I still do not regret what I have. I have never been a high performance rider, but I do occasionally feel some need for speed if the conditions are right. The last time getting back into the sport I told my wife, It's just in my blood and probably will be till I cannot straddle the seat. I have not been able to justify new for many years, but I can dream.
Again, I do not regret staying with Yamaha over all these years. My 2 cents.
I don't regret staying with Yamaha for 14 yrs now and logging 30,000 miles and wife logging 25,000 on her Yami's with not one breakdown on the trail. Can't stand 2 stroke smoke lingering in the helmet from others on the trails and don't care about forward riding or 40 lbs less. I have gotten pisser rides and just finished another 100 mile ride today and only saw 2 other machines.
I loved my 1997 Vmax 700 triple engine for its performance, sound and fuel economy. The down fall was the antiquated suspension.
I would spend maybe a buck or two more for fuel at the gas pump each fill up than much newer model sleds, Ski-Doo included. The two stroke triple had no problems keeping up with the crowd but my old bones could not take the pounding any longer so thus the reason I bought the Cat ZR 7000 El Tigre with the Sno Pro suspension. Love the 1049 cc Yamaha engine
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I will always ride a Yamaha #1 Because of this site and the TY Team and also because I cant afford to own a 2st with the miles I put on. My 800 is a toy like a dirtbike. Viper is a Goldwing that jumps! The 2020 Viper with new controls,plastic and intake really has me intrigued. So something is new. Dont forget there also has been changes mid year so who knows what will actually be on snow next season!
no its not that bad but...… I loved the way way my 05 Vector runs . the clutching and everything about it just "worked" My 16 viper RTX is another story it started bad from day one the 8jp belt and clutching leave more than a little to be desired . The quality is not up to Yamaha snuff in terms of fit and finish. It always felt "flat" in terms of performance , the 05 Vector with carbs has ore top end !!! that being said the Viper suspension and seating position is much better and more comfortable Now with clutching work, new flash, air box mod etc. it finally starts nice and pulls good so im happy. Overall id like to see something all Yamaha with Yamaha quality, no drain on chain case ??? really ? Assuming the 2021 is all Yamaha the dream would be the ride and handling of the Polaris front suspension with the rear of the R-motion, and I like all 100% Yamaha electronics please make it run like a Vector/nytro Not too concerned if it weighs more than Doo or Poo as their chassis are very weak. The 20202 does have a lot of nice improvements and I do like the red color
I loved my 1997 Vmax 700 triple engine for its performance, sound and fuel economy. The down fall was the antiquated suspension.
I would spend maybe a buck or two more for fuel at the gas pump each fill up than much newer model sleds, Ski-Doo included. The two stroke triple had no problems keeping up with the crowd but my old bones could not take the pounding any longer so thus the reason I bought the Cat ZR 7000 El Tigre with the Sno Pro suspension. Love the 1049 cc Yamaha engine
If Yamaha put the 700 sx motor in the current chassis, it would sell & I think it would surprise a lot of people of how well it would run against the current sleds . They just have develope the emission part .
I am at a loss on this. I love all of my sleds, maybe because I like to just ride snowmobiles. Not sure what to say, we have 2 - 2017 Sidewinders and we love them. They all have problem in some fashion. I guess with all the complainers, lets hope the site is not turning into just that... so many good guys and so much good help here. Look at the positive side of it.. I am here until it ends. If that matters to anyone.
I love this site and my Yamaha's hope to be on here until pushing daises!
