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list of chronic Apex problems.....


Apr 4, 2005
Haines, Alaska
I've read several things that have sent up a red flag for myself on purchasing a new apex.
1. Driver problems , yamaha to date not fixing this, blaming operator ?
2. Track hitting tunnel and tearing the tracks in the middle
3. Steering issue's, getting sloppy way to soon, some are hard to steer
4. Hand warmers not working properly
>>> So here is the list i've read in the past little while and I'm wondering if this sounds about right and if there are other issue's that i've missed but should be brought up. I live in a small rural town in Alaska and don't have access to a dealer close, so If I spend eleven grand on a sled it better be right and have no on going problems. Does anyone know if Yamaha has addressed any of these issue's on the 07' Apex Mountain models ? Does the Vector seem to be having any of the same problems? Have they officially made any recalls to fix the track obstruction and is there a way owners can petition Yamaha so they know this isn't an isolated case, but happens to lots of them.

The issue apears to be limited, and alomost all of them are on boosted sleds. 650 miles on mine and they look normal, no wear. My track has hit a few times, it tears off a few lugs, it will not rip your trak in 1/2 and leave you sitting. Yamaha knows about it and is fixing it. Steering issue, mine has both of those problems and dont know if yamaha knows enough about it yet. Handwarmers are week, but yes they are fixing it for sure. None of these things would keep me from buying an Apex mnt again. Its the best stock sled I have ever been on. ===SRXSRULE===
SRXSrUle,,,, where can I go and find, or read for that matter on what you say, if yamaha is fixing and knows of the problems, and are doing what is neededs to fix these problems, where can I and alaskabowtie go and read or call or what ever to validate that they are fixing the problems.

This steering issue I have added ontop of the handwarmers really does bug me, not that it issent a great sled, but when these kind of issues start happening in less than a 1000 miles it tells me what else is going to happen once I get out of my warrenty.

Or is it that yamaha did this as to scare us into buying extended warrentys.

by the time they fix the problem I will be out of my warrenty, I want to see now or read where they have specificlly addressed the issues.

If I was to do a great job on a repaired vehical in the line of work I do, but leave the door handles loose, the customer would be all over me.
1. there arent' any driver issues if you keep the track fiddle string tight. randy swenson is rumored to have 2500 km's on his with no probs. keep the track tight, and yes it is only on boosted sleds.

2.I cut the bracket right out and added a plate from cr racing, and also added the little bottom out bumpers and haven't had a problem. total cost of 130 bucks canadian for bumpers and plate, cut out for free.

3.steering issues i have not encountered yet. i have 250 km's on my sled. i know this is a common thing on a couple of yammis, my old trx, and thistledoo's trx as well. my trx was loose down on the knuckle that connected directly to the post. keep an eye on them. it's a hassle to get at, but liveable.

4. my hand warmers are working great.

I really debated long and hard on waiting for the 07's to come out, but sold my sled and had nothing to ride so bought an 06. i do not regret my decision at all. greatest sled i have ridden. some of the above mentioned issues are a pain, and should be dealt with a little faster on yammi's part imo, but they arent' issues that will keep you off the sled waiting for fixes. you got to catch the track issue and cut bracket out and put plate in, but that's about the only major issue if you did not. noob
eleven thousand dollars!!!!

To me personally I think that this is to be expected with a totally new sled BUT, thye need to fix it for 07' . this would be a long term investment for me and my family and when I buy an Apex I will also buy the wife's sled . BUT when there are other companies with sleds that are trouble free I can see where alot of people will not buy a Yamaha when discover there are these little nick nack problems. I don't want another sled so will wait and see what yamaha does for this before buying . I know that if I spend That kind of cash I shouldn't have to be cutting on my sled or fixing the steering, REGUARDLESS of it being a simple fix I shouldn't have to worry about it!! That is twenty thousand dollars i'm willing to spend and eventually will on Yamaha sleds but these problems are a concern and everyone knows they shouldn't be ther! I hope the 07' models will have this resolved so I can buy my sleds and be happy without little haunting issue's. I have ALOT of miles on my 00' mnt. Mnt. and NO problems like this except for regualer maintenance! This is what Yamaha is known for not on going little things that progressively make it frustrating to own a new sled! I would like to as the other person mentioned see something in writing from yamaha about the little issue's and how they've addressed them.
I see the 07 has different handwarmers and a new DC cdi, so that will be the handwarmers fixed(although mine work) Yamaha sent out plates for the track hitting, so I am sure that will be dealt with on the 07. Drivers?? I haven't had a problem with that but my track did stretch quite a bit on the first couple of rides, I just adjusted it. You can't run the track as loose with the Yamaha drivers as you do with the aftermarket extroverts. :rocks:
apexnubhind said:
SRXSrUle,,,, where can I go and find, or read for that matter on what you say, if yamaha is fixing and knows of the problems, and are doing what is neededs to fix these problems, where can I and alaskabowtie go and read or call or what ever to validate that they are fixing the problems.

This steering issue I have added ontop of the handwarmers really does bug me, not that it issent a great sled, but when these kind of issues start happening in less than a 1000 miles it tells me what else is going to happen once I get out of my warrenty.

Or is it that yamaha did this as to scare us into buying extended warrentys.

by the time they fix the problem I will be out of my warrenty, I want to see now or read where they have specificlly addressed the issues.

If I was to do a great job on a repaired vehical in the line of work I do, but leave the door handles loose, the customer would be all over me.

As far as I know, there isnt a place where you can view it. Its a matter of having a good dealer that will honestly answer your questions when you call them up.

One more thing on the steering issue. I have never had mine bind or sqeek on me when I was out riding, Just in my heated shop. Maybe that is a factor. ===SRXSRULE===
Hey Slymax, do you know if they will be fixing the handwarmers on the 06's ? Are there any pics of the plates yet from Yamaha ? Did they come up with something different on the 07 suspension for the track hitting issue ? Just curious
"this would be a long term investment for me and my family and when I buy an Apex I will also buy the wife's sled . BUT when there are other companies with sleds that are trouble free I can see where alot of people will not buy a Yamaha when discover there are these little nick nack problems."

Please explain this! I would take several "nick nack" problems over one major problem. You could buy A/C, Pol, or Ski-doo and everyone of them have issues except that they are issues that can leave you stranded in the middle of nowhere for a long time!!!

I have 1500 miles on a bone stock Apex, and absolutely love it. I have ridden it hard but also made sure I've maintained it. I grease it after about every other ride, and fix anything that I may have broken.

I have no driver problems, or steering issues. I think the driver problem could have resulted from guys not tightening their track after it stretched from the first couple rides. One thing I will say is, these drivers do not vibrate at all. They are very smooth!

My handwarmers work sometimes. I did fill the bars with expandable insulation and this seemed to make them a little warmer. It hasn't kept me from having a smile from ear to ear every mile I have put on it though!

IMO, the Apex is the most solid stock sled ever manufactured. This is coming from a guy that rode a stock MTN SRX from 98-05 and put 15,000 miles on it without ever taking a head off!

BUY one, you won't regret it!

jaybud,,,,,, I agree with the small issues verses the big issue, and love my sled, but just because these are little issues, lots of them lead to a big problem.

I say this because of the steering issues, you may not ride like us, you may only do riding that does not bring out the steering problem on your sled, my question to you is, do you have any slop in your steering compaired to a new sled never riden?

You say these little issues could be ok to accept, but when it comes to steering, I dont think that is a small problem, as for me if I was turning a corner at 85 or higher speed, and I need to make a quick movement with my steering, to advoid a collision, as you know small movements are safe, big movements at that speed is dangerous, and because of the 1 inch play in my steering, I would need to move my steering even more to advoid a snow clod that would flip the sled.

To me if I want to go fast, I need tight steering, as some would some wont.

I do know that with this sled, it is top heavy, and we who have been on one, taking a turn fast we know the oppesite side of the skis are in the air alot, unless we get our weight way over into the corner, on a sled like this, tight steering as most sleds is a must.

I am talking about just over an inch play from left to right on my bars, when I go over a hill, I can feel my steering colum jerking back and forth.

Little track hitting issue, to me is not as bad as a loosing steering issue, or any other issue that is not putting you at risk.

Steering to me has been the only major issue I have had, hand warmers not so bad, steering issues is bad.

But add it all together, it becomes a little disapointing.
RX1Tahoe,,,, I did, I own a body shop here in Idaho, and repair cars for a living, and like all things, it takes a process to fix items on anything defective.

I do know that we must follow procedure to get issues like this fixed.
But my thoughts on this is this, I do know that when I repair a car that I can do it many ways, and find ways to just get it by, yamaha did this to just get by and they know its a heavy sled, they do know that eventully these plastic blocks would become bad, as I know everything I do to a car, what will be the outcome.

As all makes of sleds, their is problems, I just dont beleive its a good idea to leave steering issues open to becoming bad, by using a small black plastic bushing to stabilize such a big sled.

Will they fix it, I dont know, hope so, but I found out in life that in order to get something done right, they way you want it done, you have to do it yourself.
I will be taking my colum out for summer, and will send it to a person who can make it better.
That way next year it will be the way I want it.

In the mean time they will be putting new bushing in it, so they can make money on the warrenty, and they did agree, it was way to much play, and a bad design.
jaydub said:
"this would be a long term investment for me and my family and when I buy an Apex I will also buy the wife's sled . BUT when there are other companies with sleds that are trouble free I can see where alot of people will not buy a Yamaha when discover there are these little nick nack problems."

Please explain this! I would take several "nick nack" problems over one major problem. You could buy A/C, Pol, or Ski-doo and everyone of them have issues except that they are issues that can leave you stranded in the middle of nowhere for a long time!!!

I have 1500 miles on a bone stock Apex, and absolutely love it. I have ridden it hard but also made sure I've maintained it. I grease it after about every other ride, and fix anything that I may have broken.

I have no driver problems, or steering issues. I think the driver problem could have resulted from guys not tightening their track after it stretched from the first couple rides. One thing I will say is, these drivers do not vibrate at all. They are very smooth!

My handwarmers work sometimes. I did fill the bars with expandable insulation and this seemed to make them a little warmer. It hasn't kept me from having a smile from ear to ear every mile I have put on it though!

IMO, the Apex is the most solid stock sled ever manufactured. This is coming from a guy that rode a stock MTN SRX from 98-05 and put 15,000 miles on it without ever taking a head off!

BUY one, you won't regret it!


I guess what I was saying is I've had several friends that have new sleds from 06' and have ZERO issue's with them , NONE period . and we run all hard mountains , steep and deep, the typical idea you might have for Alaska riding. I'm a Yamaha man, period, so another company is not an option! Like you were saying, I too have ridden the snot out of the old led sled Mnt. max and it has been wonderful. No problems with regular maintenance, I've even sunk my sled a dozen times if not more here in the river valley's we ride occasionally....... (several feet deep), so I do mean sunk! I cleaned it up and drained everything every time and still had no issue's. This is the type of riding we do and the other new sleds have been great as far as I can see. So for me to hear these different little "headache" type problems especially the steering , is a little disheartening to say the least. I did say that I knew it would have some "new sled" quirks, but the problems are fairly consistent and should have been dealt with on the 07' sleds....this is my hopes anyway. Eleven thousand dollars is a large amount of cash for a toy when you have a family and when you have a sled for everyone , so if I'm going to buy two new ones they better be worth the $20,000.00 PLUS, I'm fixin to spend. I don't expect to be fixing little bullshiz problems like this after that amount of cash. This why I waited on the 07' line hoping Yamaha would get the kinks worked out....time will tell! I also think had they rode several of the pro-type sleds and put several thousand hard miles on them, this stuff would have been seen and hopefully fixed before you or anyone had ever touched there Apex. This would have been the right way to deal with it.
