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Monoshock II suspension setup.


TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Jan 28, 2005
drummond island MI
Anyone have factory initial setup instructions for the new suspension? Looks to me the rear spring adjustment is no longer threaded so you only have the shock cam adjustment and of course the c-clip. Any info apprciated. Studdog

the rear spring on my 06 vec. wasn't threaded. Rear suspension on these sleds is probably the easiest to set up I think. First set your spring setting for your rider weight. Second set your transfer rod for your riding style or whatever you prefer ski pressure, wheelies, light steering feel. and then use the dial for varying conditions harder for those rough days and softer for the ultra groomed days. That is how I had my 06 set up and did my 2010 the same way. hope this helps. I thought my 06 railed awesome so I set the 2010 the same way figured it should be a good starting point.
