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MPI Supercharger

Did you get ahold of Matt? I hope he can get them in soon for you guys!

I have had the sled in -25F and never a issue with freezing oil. If it was in gobs something was horribly wrong with that oil.

I ran mine in West Yellowstone earlier this winter, was -37 when we woke up. High that day was -10.

On oil vent line, the catch can is wise. Not only does it catch the excess oil but keeps water from being sucked up as well. I was advised to drill a hole into the subframe and feed the line into it. This keeps the line low but keeps it away from snow/water in the bottom of the sled.
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I'm really surprised MPI would not give a little better customer service. There is no reason someone should wait have to wait 7 months to have supercharger replaced!
Thanks for this good gouge! I was about to buy one.
Holy ****! I can't believe this happened to me now! I am brand new to Yamaha as decided I would move to the four stroke side for the reliability of the engine. I'll simplify a very complicated story as best I can....... I bought a Nytro and installed an MPI supercharger on it and went for a trip with a few old friends. The whole time I was assuring them that I had a tow strap and wouldn't leave any of them behind. 25 miles into day 2 after about 200 miles on the first day , the engine just shut down. The engine gave no indication of a problem. In fact the sled was just running beautifully. I put my head down and asked for a tow. No luck getting her started so I rented an Indy. Got the sled home and did a leak down test and had 40% leak down on the middle cylinder. I pull the engine and find metal shavings in the engine! A buddy of mine notices these same shavings around the supercharger. Oil on supercharger was good and full. Needless to say I was not happy. If there is any good news in this it is the shavings simply held the valves open and did no damage. Cleaned them up and the engine started right up! I do feel good about the reliability of the Yamaha engine but not the aftermarket super with all the negative feedback i'm hearing from MPI and their lack of response to the problem. Not only am I out a few thousand dollars for the supercharger, this failed shaft has cost me hundreds in rental charges and labor to investigate the issue. I am shocked to hear others say they have waited 6-8 months for a replacement. I'm going to call Rotrex this week and see if I can bypass MPI. I'm not confident on that route but its worth a try because MPI doesn't seem to be doing much for others. My buddy just bought a turbo for his Viper and they were very responsive. Lets see how responsive the are to a problem. I hope I don't sound like I'm bashing or that I'm just an a hole because I'm really just an old timer trying to enjoy his retirement.
It's odd that so many of us are have issues with our superchargers! Frustrating situations. Best of luck to you guys looking for replacements. Mine was 7 months but it's back and running now. My shaft broke. When you get a new one make sure to read rotrex site on priming the supercharger. If it makes you feel any better I lost my charger after 200 miles too! Best of luck.
Shafe, what was the reason that it took 7 months to get your SC replaced? Were they being cooperative but simply couldn't get the unit from the manufacturer?
It was a long drawn out process because like they should they sent my unit to Rotrex for warranty. I was told it could take a couple weeks. No big deal it was May and not in need of it for a good period of time. So after a month I started to call bi-weekly. Matt had not heard from them. So finally after 4 months or so he heard back. So on my next bi-weekly call I got the information that of course they would not warranty my charger! So Matt offered me a new unit at a discounted price to make it right. I was impressed because a new unit would have set me back 2000. So the process of getting a new one started. Matt had contacted Rotrex and put in an order for so many units. I was initially told it wouldn't be to long before they would send me the new one. So a month went by and I started my calling again. He was being jerked around by Rotrex and so not much head way was being made. So back to my bi-weekly calling. I was told that they were being shipped and they should receive them in a week and then built and sent out.... This was in November so plenty of time to get it back together! Well Rotrex didn't send them. All hope was fading but I continued calling anyway. To no avail and I'm sure Matt was getting stressed with all my phone calls but I needed something. Finally on the 23rd of December I got the call from Matt!!!! Units were in and I would be getting mine soon. January 6th I received it!!!
What was the reason why they would not warranty the charger. And dare I ask what a "discounted" price means?
Rotrex said it was due to lack of oil! I installed it to Mpi's instructions but who knows!
The way they word it in the directions is if you spin it, they won't warranty it. We've all done it to mpi directions and they've all had same results. BROKEN SHAFT! If you sell it, you have to back it up. Where I work is when stuff like this happens is we'll warranty it and go after manufacturer. Satisfy customers first. This is the fastest way to lose customers. Not tell customer we'll send it to manufacturer and hope they warranty it while you just spent tall coin and now have to watch the snow melt. Might as well say give me $4,000 and hope it works for you and if it doesn't your S.O.L.
Something to keep in mind here
1.We've sold Yamaha a lot of superchargers over the last few years and what failures that are visible to everyone on these forums represents a very small percentage of total units in the field and working properly.
2.Over the last few years building and selling these units we at MPI haven't changed one thing that would compromise with the reliably of these kits. In fact we've improved a few things like, larger oil coolers on all units sold to Yamaha.
3.We've spent a large amount of money over this last year replacing supercharges out of good will.
4. Don't think that I'm not doing everything in my power to get things done fast.
5. All we here about is the failures. Not the Apex guy that calls in to order oil for his blower that has 20,000 miles on it with boost from day one.

Do I think blowers are failing more frequent? Yes and No. If you take the number of units we've sold and divide that by the number of failures the percentages is actually lower. But it does seem that the failures are happening with very low miles?
The warranty process is slower then I would like but those replacements need to be approved by Rotrex.
