My Apex XTX is in. How are trails in the UP?

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KnappAttack said:
Badger said:
Yup "DT" locked that thread down, Okay Mike we heard your point of view, you did not like the sled. Let these guys make up there own mind.

People are free to ride whatever they want. I have Owned Arctic Cats Z1 turbo, 13 Yamaha four-strokes including the latest Apex XTX and two Ski-Doo XR1200's. I post what I find on my end and question Turks findings as they are way different than my results.

Perhaps your riding buddies need to open the throttle plates on their XR1200's from the less than 3/4 opening as delivered from the factory. Because my riding buds and I do the same racing and fuel comparisons on this end and they are nothing like what Turk posts here. I have owned these machines myself and have different first hand results than Turk. He is always trying to make the Yamaha look superior. I think he is paid by Yamaha! I call it like it is on any machine good or bad. Go back and see what I had to say about the Cat on Hard Core Sledder, all the while I owned it! Same for the Doo and Yamaha. I will report the good the bad and the ugly. I have reported bad things with ALL OF THEM! But only one thing with the Ski-Doo and the belly pan being driven into the clutch. I was going way to fast with the turbo and hit a large wide dip doing 120 and front springs set at their softest setting. [b]But hey, I won the race in front of the RX-1 turbo!

I for a moment had considered that maybe Mr. Knapp was not brand biased until I read this last little highlighted jab which ofcourse pretty much disolves any or all of his credibility.

By every other account there has been reports of darting and heavy steering but Mr. Knapps miracle 1200s don't seem to suffer any detriments .... infact Mr.Knapps miracle 1200s are capable of running with sleds of significantly greater hp and torque. Oh and hey the throttle plates only open to 3/4 on the 1200s what a blunder BRP .....but then again BRP always errors to the safe side ......right? they always leave hp on the table....right? BRP never runs on the edge they?

I call bullshit.

The XR 1200 was built to target the Vector period. Slightly lighter and within 4hp of each other .... groomed trail, mid pak, solo rider, touring class sleds. Thats it thats all folks, no miracles here ...... only personal preferences.

Handling and mileage reports from a drag racer .......really guys?

Actually took the time to go to DooTalk where I eventually found the thread entitled "Who's switching to Yamaha" or something close.
It is truly comical. A group of supposedly grown men on their own site within their own "circle of trust" LOL and all they have to do is discuss Yamaha......really? Never have I seen such a prime example of insecurity displayed.

Please allow me to save you some time and energy as I can pretty much capture the spirit of the entire BRP braintrust's multiple-page thread a few lines.

"Ours are better ......right Spike?"
"yah ours are better"
Ours are faster ......right Spike?
"yah ours are faster"
Ours are lighter ......right Spike?
"yada, yada, yada"

I too was personnally disappointed with the new Apex, kept my old one and purchased a new leftover which I will continue to mod to suit.


Objective rode reports are great when one is capable of recognising personnal preferences. When one speaks of their personal choice, as if it should be accepted by the masses as gospel ......a red flag goes up for me. Your purchases reflect your personal preference...period, so why do so many feel compelled to impose on, or defend to others, their choices? Ummmmm ...... I can only guess ......... maybe .......CONFIDENCE ISSUES!!!!!

If I have to hear one more rambling about hyfax wear or handlebar warmers as if they are of any irreparable consequence, I will likely sandpaper the inside of my eyelids.

Please recognize that this is only my personal opinion on personal choices and personal preferences.

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