My Apex XTX is in. How are trails in the UP?

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snoway said:
KnappAttack said:
snoway said:
knapattic is back on a slowdoo,....must be getting old or?

Old? No, he found out the Apex XTX was no faster than his Ski-Doo four stroke up to 90, and he also didn't like the fact the Apex XTX still handled and rode no better than the old 07 Attak even though it was 30# heavier then the old Attak. He didn't like burning slides off every 250 miles, poor handwarmers, ski-lift, low seat height, poor wind protection or the loud exhaust/track drone too much either.

He liked how the XR1200 Ski-Doo Renegade did everything much better than the new Apex except top end speed.

The Ski-Doo made him smile and the Yamaha made him upset because it had the same old problems his previous Attak had. He may have been fine had he not spent a year riding the Ski-Doo.

He is very happy to have sold the Apex XTX and to have bought another Ski-Doo four-stroke. Last I saw him he was grinning ear to ear and raving to his friends and his wife how much he loves that Ski-Doo.

ouch!,...thats tough to swallow,...I don't know mike but his image is of a yamaha faithful type,.....maybe I am wrong....but its like throwin the family under the bus to me,....his opinion has alot of weight.....maybe its tough love IDK.....LOL

Yes, his opinion has a lot of value to me as well and I don't like to hear what he has to say either. However, I already sensed he did not want to report out on his review as it would be such as above...
Very different opinions as a trail sled mabe its better but going off trail it would seem going by what Turks has reported the Apex wins hands down. So as always it seems its how and where you ride where one sled will out perform the other. Change the riding and the other does better. Each to his own I guess. I am still very happy with my 04 Rx-1 its awesome for field and non groomed trail riding.
Mike has a TON of Experience with Sleds in general and just plain calls it as he see's it. Hey I don't like to hear bad things about Yamaha either but coming from Mike you have to respect his judgement even if it's not what you were hoping to hear.

I hope Mike will continue to finish his report on this topic as it is Valued info to all of us. :flag:

BTW...That goes the same for Turk :flag:
You guys that stroke other members crack me up. The word opinion itself reeks of bias.

He complained of hyfax wear right after bragging about how fast the XTX went. What does one expect, especially after advertising it as being broken in the Holy'r than thou "Motoman" way? How fast can a sled go around a corner without ski lift......that is until it gets ski lift? What were the snow conditions? Hand warmers not hot enough? What conditions warrented that opinion? How cold was it? What type of gloves were being worn? Where his hands sweaty prior to putting on his gloves? Low seat height and poor wind protection? How tall is he compared to you? That's a funny when compared to a Doo and their worthless windshields. Loud exhaust drone? Geez, if I read one more post about a complaint about an exhaust drone, I'm gonna puke. Put on your big boy panties, guys. It's a recreational vehicle, not a Cadillac CTS.

The 1200 is probably a great machine. But just as a new Yamaha, I'd prefer to ride on myself rather than accept as gospel the "opinon" of someone I've never even met and with expectations and riding styles far from what mine are.

ecopter said:
You guys that stroke other members crack me up. The word opinion itself reeks of bias.

He complained of hyfax wear right after bragging about how fast the XTX went. What does one expect, especially after advertising it as being broken in the Holy'r than thou "Motoman" way? How fast can a sled go around a corner without ski lift......that is until it gets ski lift? What were the snow conditions? Hand warmers not hot enough? What conditions warrented that opinion? How cold was it? What type of gloves were being worn? Where his hands sweaty prior to putting on his gloves? Low seat height and poor wind protection? How tall is he compared to you? That's a funny when compared to a Doo and their worthless windshields. Loud exhaust drone? Geez, if I read one more post about a complaint about an exhaust drone, I'm gonna puke. Put on your big boy panties, guys. It's a recreational vehicle, not a Cadillac CTS.

The 1200 is probably a great machine. But just as a new Yamaha, I'd prefer to ride on myself rather than accept as gospel the "opinon" of someone I've never even met and with expectations and riding styles far from what mine are.

X2 ;)! ;)! ;)! ;)!
Is this same author that started this post that made the last few comments. It kind of sounds like someone else has responded for him.
The first reports were he liked the sled for the most part and said it was a rocket, and now it only just matches a 1200 till 90.
1200's are a nice sled, I sled with a whole croud of them. I can only beat them a few sleds lenths till 90 and for shure beat them from there on. I drove them, they have a taller and firmer seat. they steer harder than mine in crust for some reason, and seem very deadly in crust.
So the new apexs are no better than before, wel I think the masses will disagree.
This thread, that started out as asking about trail conditions and has turned to a comparison between sleds, will surely end up in the head to head or deleted all together.
I wasn't going to do a report as I knew it would create hard feelings.

I would consider myself a pretty strong Yamaha guy. I tried the Apex XTX and knew right away it had the same flaws as my 07. Few thing were even worse I thought.

I thought it was fast as I could run alongside a new CFR800 HO. The problem was my XR1200 did the same thing. I knew the Yamaha wasn't close in ride or handling and the last straw for me was when my daughter and I raced both my stock XR1200 against the Apex XTX. I ran side by side with it all the way up to 90 where the XTX only just crept away ever so slowly. Thats is where I said the XTX just wasn't worth keeping. Although it felt fast and made noise like it was fast, it just wasn't as great as I had originally thought. The Ski-Doo does it quietly. I was not going to put up with the issues they failed to fix. I bought it for the power steering thinking it would be easier to maneuver, but in reality the Ski-Doo steered easier, was just as quick, was quieter, got better fuel mileage and had a bigger gas tank by 1.5 gallons, rode better, handled better, had better wind protection, easier throttle pull, no slider wear, weighed much less, was easier the throw around, and was cheaper to boot.

I'm sorry guys but no one in my family liked the Yamaha after riding the Ski-Doo. I didn't want to ride it, so I sold it and will purchase another Ski-Doo XR1200 to add to the stable for the wife and family. In my opinion the Ski-Doo is the best four-stroke machine out there. I know its not what you want to hear but it is what I feel. I was excited about the new Apex XTX till I put a few miles on it. I tried to like it, but knew it had too many flaws for me having owned the Ski-Doo for a year. Don't forget I also tried the Cat turbo Z1, so I have run the gamut on four-stroke machines on the market.

I tried to be positive about the Apex so I would work with it and like it, the one thing I though it had was power, problem is I hadn't raced my stock XR1200 yet. I never thought It would run with the Apex it like it does.

I held off on doing a ride review of it because I was really not happy with it. In fact I was rather up set over the machine, hence to reason for never doing one. It would not be good. I like this site and the people on it. It's OK that someone rides a different color machine. It is what makes for better machines down the road. Hopefully Yamaha brings better stuff to the table down the road that I feel is on par with my Ski-Doo. I still consider myself a Yamaha guy too.
Thanks for the review Mike hope your happy and you seem to be so far with the doo. You must ride on groomed trails or hard packed all the time because Turks reviews are much different and he is a respected member here as well as yourself. Turk says they cant even compete in deeper snow whats your take on that?
Mike you must have a very good runnin 1200, because the ones around here that i ride with are not faster than my nytro xtx, both being BOX STOCK.
My apex out runs the nytro especially top end.
When you get the new 1200 it will be interesting to see if if runs with the 09.
The 1200s are smooth and quiet, but too boring for my taste IMO.
how many miles on xtx is the biggest question. Well never really know but im only at 450kms and im finally getting over 10,000 rpms, way less than 10,700 but its still breaking in. Im sure you know that but how many did you have on it?
Sled Dog said:
Thanks for the review Mike hope your happy and you seem to be so far with the doo. You must ride on groomed trails or hard packed all the time because Turks reviews are much different and he is a respected member here as well as yourself. Turk says they cant even compete in deeper snow whats your take on that?

Honestly you must have the fastest 1200 out there because my tweaked 07 Attack stocker drives away from every 1200 and nytro that I have run against and I'm talked about tweaked 1200's and a couple of Nytros that I have set up myself. I.m sorry that you hated your new ride but I think you gave up on it way to fast and my next new sled will be an Apex XTX with boost.
Honestly you must have the fastest 1200 out there because my tweaked 07 Attack stocker drives away from every 1200 and nytro that I have run against and I'm talked about tweaked 1200's and a couple of Nytros that I have set up myself. I.m sorry that you hated your new ride but I think you gave up on it way to fast and my next new sled will be an Apex XTX with boost.[/quote]

Thats what I was thinking, thoses world famous 1200's thst he has must be the fastest too. My apex that is no way much differnt from the next will easly beat the 1200's I sled with. One of them has a header and what ever else will put a good fight if we do a 50 mph roll on and he his the gas first. It takes till I am going 80 to pass him with the 3 lenghts he gets from jumping. from a dig I'm gone. So my sled must be alot stronger then the 2011... NOT.
stone88 said:
Sled Dog said:
Thanks for the review Mike hope your happy and you seem to be so far with the doo. You must ride on groomed trails or hard packed all the time because Turks reviews are much different and he is a respected member here as well as yourself. Turk says they cant even compete in deeper snow whats your take on that?

Honestly you must have the fastest 1200 out there because my tweaked 07 Attack stocker drives away from every 1200 and nytro that I have run against and I'm talked about tweaked 1200's and a couple of Nytros that I have set up myself. I.m sorry that you hated your new ride but I think you gave up on it way to fast and my next new sled will be an Apex XTX with boost.

What's tweaked Ernie? Clutching/airbox/PC3? I know you will probably wax me but I'd like to run you anyway...just need to get my clutching set able to come up to Scugog?
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