Need help engine install

nytro rtx se

Dec 2, 2008
Reaction score
09 fx nytro rtx se old sled
14 Sr. viper rtx mpi190 old sled
17 sidewinder 137 xtx 300 hurricane
Hey guys ,
My 17 sidewinder xtx 137” motor went I finally got my replacement installed got a used one. Engine is all installed , except it’s been apart for so long I forgot where the battery negative wire goes to from battery. Also where does the green antifreeze line from antifreeze tank and green breather line from gas tank go to. Any help would be appreciated I don’t have a service manual near by.
Turbo flash were are you?? Man in crissis here! I will try to help out, i think the green lines you are asking about are blue and they just are breathers or over flow lines that run down behind the secondary clutch into belly pan area, as far as ground cable i would think close to starter possibly one of the starter fastner bolts/ stud, thats how i do it with my hot rod builds anyway.
Yes. Ground connection from negative battery cable goes to upper bolt that mounts starter.
The vent line from gas tank and coolant tank go down to open belly pan area behind engine alongside front tunnel bulkhead.
Yup up here in Nunavut northern Canada , people drive till around second week of June. I usually put my sleds away around end of May and use the quads. I already put mine away as I’m back at work in a gold mine. One year we were driving sleds till first week of July we were water skipping lake to lake but lots of rock bombing as well. Most winters our lakes are about 6-7 feet thick one year was over 9 feet , depends on how much snow is on the ice as it acts as insulation.
My 4 strokes don’t ever touch water or rocks , that’s for the ol 2 strokes. Centre cylinder connecting rod bearing went and put a hole in the block which sucked but was great to have the red beast back up and running.she was ripping with 280 studs and 300hp there ain’t nothing like the good Yamaha.
My point that I was making was with your weather and the ability to ride more than the piss poor winters some have been having lately you can ride and ride and put on the many miles on your sled which translates into more of a need to replace parts… yes nothing like a sidewinder….
My 4 strokes don’t ever touch water or rocks , that’s for the ol 2 strokes. Centre cylinder connecting rod bearing went and put a hole in the block which sucked but was great to have the red beast back up and running.she was ripping with 280 studs and 300hp there ain’t nothing like the good Yamaha. many miles on motor when it went down?
Congratulations, I saw that you won. Did you do the Whale Cove Race in April?
