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New 2017 Yamaha Sleds...

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So many good things I am wishing for....

For me....the Viper (even with all the issues) is by far the best sled I have ever owned. I've owned all brands, rode all brands and think the merge with Cat was a good thing. Some will say it was not.....but I have a sled that I can transform from asphalt, to moutain riding, off-trail and regular trail without spending a ton of money. Was it slow at first, down on hpr? Oh yes, but now it's quick, fast, rides like a couch but can still rail through the twisties!

Yamaha has always had the better engines from my point of view. Cat always had the best suspensions from my point of view.

I hope Yamaha can....

1- build a totally new chassis with crazy new development, 3 cyl. engine putting out 180 horse (I know....I'm dreaming....but it is possible)

2- buy out Cat, fix the problems with quality issues, new chassis with every engine option available and take over the sales market.

3- get more involved in snow-cross, Winter X Games and other media exposure. Like the old days at the dragstrip... "What wins on Sunday...Sells on Monday!" Get Tucker Hibbert on a 4 stroke and let him go nuts!

Well 2 out of 3 not bad but no reason to buy Cat the OEM agreement trumps that cheaper to rent than own for both sides....lol... this is the reason OEM Agreements exist in the first place. Oem supplier can out source service or equipment cheaper than Prime company can do it internally. Imo some kind of relationship will continue after 5 years more likley a weaning process to total separation is the common process with Prime OEM taking out sourcing back in house. The agreement was good for both AC & Yamaha but becoming clear Cat has plans to go it alone with their 2s & new platforms. AC has had plenty of time & help to design new platforms for Yamaha 4s engines for whatever they want to introduce. Viper line could very well stay in TRF until it is very old tech but thataall depends on what new pure Yamaha sleds are introduced.
Well...Cat just came out with a new 4 stroke built by Kymco, so does that mean the partnership is not as tight as some are thinking & maybe going the other way soon!

I have a 2013 Kymco side-by-side that apparently is 90%+ arctic cat. They didn't even both re-badging the parts, there are lots of parts, including the entire drivetrain, that have arctic cat name/logo/part #'s on them.
I can't believe this thread is already up to 3 pages.
Kymco sled engine was a very low pony 4s ...nothing thataYamaha had at this time no ROI to develop just for Cat. Yamaha may have an answer to the ACE but does not want to share it yet.
LMFAO, what makes you guys believe what Yamaha reps say is beyond me. Anyone remember the Yamaha 120 that AC built for Yamaha, well if you do I am sure you all forgot the statement from Yamaha that this will be there only collaboration between the two, what a load that turned out be. I can't wait to see this 2018 sled it should be unbelievable . LMAO.
Could Yamaha be ramping up for a North American production plant of their own? They could build sleds and wheelers here and avoid a bunch of cost from bringing product from overseas.
Learn about the TRADE AGREEMENTS, TAX payers (us) are probably paying the shipping anyways!!!!
Ever wonder why on EBAY a guy from U.S. sells a part for $20. Delivered.
BUT guy from China sells it for $15. Delivered.
LMFAO, what makes you guys believe what Yamaha reps say is beyond me. Anyone remember the Yamaha 120 that AC built for Yamaha, well if you do I am sure you all forgot the statement from Yamaha that this will be there only collaboration between the two, what a load that turned out be. I can't wait to see this 2018 sled it should be unbelievable . LMAO.
Sounded like a 2017 release to me. Ok if you are not interested in what Yamaha Factory reps say but when they are talking new release platforms I listen & remain hopeful. Up to this year the Yamaha reps did not say anything since AC OEM agreement...now they are starting to leak info on pure Yamaha sleds. Plus simular Yamaha statements are being made at different show locations which adds up including sighting of a new platform outside Minoqua test facility. To me something new is on the way when you sort thru available info....you don't believe it fine with me I'm sure many don't think a new plaform is coming mostly due to long drought of new Apex or whatever Yamaha wants to name it. Reports are that Singleshot rear skid now out performs Apex/Vector front end performance so Yamaha could up date front end in 2017 or introduce a new platform. Sounds a lot like transition from RX1 to Apex in 2006 but think whatever...your choice to connect the dots or not.
Some of you guys (smh)...lol The new Yamaha model was slated to be released last year...JAPAN pushed it back....this new machine has been seen on snow here in Wisconsin...last winter...I would bet Yamaha will release it 2017....with additional models in2018 (and special colors and graphics for the anniversary)...I would also think they would release it to over lap with the "5 year mutual handshake" with cat...so they can transition smoothly to whatever comes next, and so they can work the bugs out(there are always glitches with first year sleds)......2018 is the big anniversary...but my sources (wether they suck or not remains to be seen)...say 2017 for new "models"...ALL Yamaha (100%).
probably not much until 2018. i am guessing big changes for 2018 and not with cat. i am hoping for a complete overhaul of models in 2018. kind of like what they did for 97 when the proaction chassis came out.

Do you have some inside information?
Heard the same at novi. What I was disappointed about is novi didn't even have any factory reps just local Powersports owners/salesmen. I knew more about the new viper engine from reading here then the sales guy did at Yamaha booth. He was very "read between the lines" about the apex replacement being released for 2017. Said its been 10 yrs now for apex so new chassi around the corner with apex replacement engine. He thought they would have done it for the apex 10 year. Either way most likely Vipers for me in spring regardless. Way more Sled then I need in stock form anyway.
...but my sources (wether they suck or not remains to be seen)

Are your sources from "Area 70W"? If they are I would think they (or any reliable source would be sworn (threatened?) to secrecy?
Are your sources from "Area 70W"? If they are I would think they (or any reliable source would be sworn (threatened?) to secrecy?
No...they are not.(70w)...and trust me...I've cornered the engineers several times through the years...I think you'd have to Waterboard them to get info....lol...would u spill the beans if u worked for yamaha...knowing you'd lose your job for it....probably not
Like I said I ain't believing #*$&@, until I see the #*$&@. until then it will just be a bunch of Blah,Blah,Blah
Blah,Blah,Bla. And then 2017 model year will come out and it will be BNG on the Diaper line up and maybe some different shocks packages, And we'll call them new models. And then it will be I told you so, and then it will be, oh well maybe next year guys, and so on and so on.
Chris Reid just posted a new blog post.

"So when I read comments about BNG and ho-hum product launches, I take a deep breath and look around.

And I don’t see anyone here snoozing ;)"

At this stage of course he can't say anything. Even him says there lots of balls still in the air and lots of changes at Yamaha. You know what, change is good!
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