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New 2017 Yamaha Sleds...

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I'm pretty sure that 660 was made by Suzuki. I believe it came from a small car they use in Japan, or so I heard anyways.
i see the viper running for 5 model years and then gone for 2018. total revamp of the entire lineup. viper was just a band aid to throw something "new" out there while yamaha got their head out of their a$$ and started working for 2018. singleshot supension reminds me of the mono back in 05 rx1. then rx1 gone soon after. i hope i am right. wishful thinking. lol
Well with my purchase of a new leftover 2014 Apex XTX last week the wait for Yamaha to do something different and exciting will be much easier now.......lol.....I agree I too am thinking that just maybe 2018 will be the year......time will tell
Singleshot might work but the design of rail and arms looks like it belong in 1980.
Too big... too much hp... cat looking for low hp with big miles per gallon like their old 660 engine is my guess. Not sure who made old 660 either.

The 660 is Suzuki. My phazer goes through a bit (not much) less fuel on a consistent basis. Difference being the fuel in my phazer cost more then the in T660. The 3 cylinder 660 is rated at 60hp if I remember correctly.
I remember spring checking the SRX back in 98......wow what a sled that was, I owned and rode that sled until the new 2002 Viper came out so I spring checked that sled and then put a Bender triple pipe and clutch kit on it with V vorced reeds and that actually ran it up to 154 hp that was backed with the dino paper work they included in the kit with the install instructions, best all around sled I ever owned back than......it will be interesting to see what happens with the Yamaha line-up by 2018.
Overheard at Novi, "You'll be pleased with whats coming for 2017". In February we'll see what that means.
Overheard at Novi, "You'll be pleased with whats coming for 2017". In February we'll see what that means.
Same thing Yamaha rep told me at Wausau in Spring Sneak Peek Show said Cat Oem agreement over at term of 5 years. Asked for model & he would not comitt so could be a new model just said I would be pleased since riding 2012 Apex XTX and a good number of new sleds in R&D pipeline.

If you look at the Line up ! 17 of those sleds are in the Viper Chassis and they out sell the tried and true Yamaha's. I feel the Viper is not going away anytime soon. That's ok with me.
I feel the Unity will continue and possibly Cat will end up building the Mountain sled for Yamaha for years to come. Yamaha has let the mountain sleds slip and have concentrated on making the best trail sled possible. I have talked to a Rep also and he pointed to the new YXZ and said good things to come ! If you look at the YXZ it blows everyone out of the water and he said the next sled will all so . Time will tell !!!!!
So many good things I am wishing for....

For me....the Viper (even with all the issues) is by far the best sled I have ever owned. I've owned all brands, rode all brands and think the merge with Cat was a good thing. Some will say it was not.....but I have a sled that I can transform from asphalt, to moutain riding, off-trail and regular trail without spending a ton of money. Was it slow at first, down on hpr? Oh yes, but now it's quick, fast, rides like a couch but can still rail through the twisties!

Yamaha has always had the better engines from my point of view. Cat always had the best suspensions from my point of view.

I hope Yamaha can....

1- build a totally new chassis with crazy new development, 3 cyl. engine putting out 180 horse (I know....I'm dreaming....but it is possible)

2- buy out Cat, fix the problems with quality issues, new chassis with every engine option available and take over the sales market.

3- get more involved in snow-cross, Winter X Games and other media exposure. Like the old days at the dragstrip... "What wins on Sunday...Sells on Monday!" Get Tucker Hibbert on a 4 stroke and let him go nuts!
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