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New 2017 Yamaha Sleds...

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I'm assuming the YXZ1000 engine shows up in a sled this year also, @110hp it really fills in a gap in the line, a true "600" class midrange engine. From a bit of searching that engine looks to make peak HP at 8200rpm and has a really flat/fat torque band. Not sure if its too close to the Viper engine though in size though and they may not use it due to economics. @ 110hp engine would also allow for a new 60-70hp class engine and bump the Phazer engine out or allow them to retool the phazer engine with cheaper components since it makes 65-70HP at 8000 rpm which would allow them to ditch the gear reduction an use cheaper rods/crank/piston combo with a 3000rpm reduction in redline RPM. I'm also wondering with all the meetings in Georgia that they might be moving sled production to the ATV plant.
Chris Reid just posted a new blog post.

"So when I read comments about BNG and ho-hum product launches, I take a deep breath and look around.

And I don’t see anyone here snoozing ;)"

At this stage of course he can't say anything. Even him says there lots of balls still in the air and lots of changes at Yamaha. You know what, change is good!

CR " Balls still in the air " LOL
Chang is good! : ) Let's just hope one of those " balls " don't hit us in the face. : (
As far as Japan's economy is concerned, Q3 fell short of the street and has now pushed Japan into a recession. So that might put a bit of a " damper " no pun intended on these so called new all Japan snowmobiles. Same thing that happened a few years ago when the economy crashed. Yamaha announced that they would be pushing there sled development back a few years so they could wait for a better economy, now that Japan is in a recession the comments from CR on sled talk make sence about the balls in the air comment. Sounds like they don't know what to do.
I hope Yamaha comes up with something really sick. Maybe another chassis of their own would be nice to see. Not that I'm hating on the SR viper chassis I would just like to see something different. I wouldn't be opposed to something even lighter then the SR viper either.
As far as Japan's economy is concerned, Q3 fell short of the street and has now pushed Japan into a recession. So that might put a bit of a " damper " no pun intended on these so called new all Japan snowmobiles. Same thing that happened a few years ago when the economy crashed. Yamaha announced that they would be pushing there sled development back a few years so they could wait for a better economy, now that Japan is in a recession the comments from CR on sled talk make sence about the balls in the air comment. Sounds like they don't know what to do.
The sled market is in North America, Russia & Europe not in Japan. Sled sales very good in those locations.
Sneak Peek 2017 Yamaha's - Will be made in Canada!
i saw a CAD pic of a yamaha with an articulating front suspension. everything in front of the engine articulated. very interesting.....

but this was also a few years ago
i saw a CAD pic of a yamaha with an articulating front suspension. everything in front of the engine articulated. very interesting.....

but this was also a few years ago

Could this be the "sidewinder" patent?
Would be nice to see all new light weight yamaha made chassis with direct fuel injected 800 2 stroke and call it a srx.
With all the hype over the motorcycle/ snowmobile at the snow shows I just hope their big new unit isn't one of these for 2017.
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