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New Camso Track. thoughts??

I like the looks of it and the concept, but it appears it wouldn't fit my 2011 apex with the 2.86 pitch. And the price is STEEP! Maybe both of those things will change in time. It isn't on the tracks usa site yet and they are always cheaper than the msrp listed
2016-2018 Apes came from the factory with 2.86 pitch drivers. @MrSled has a good write up about stretching a 128” sled to 137” and lists the correct part #s for the newer Yammy extrovert drivers required to do this. Search it up and then install any 2.86 drive pitch track you’d like.
I talked to Bruce at CB Performance earlier in the week. He now has the new tracks listed on his site. Definitely not MSRP... decisions, decisions!! Cheers
I talked to Bruce at CB Performance earlier in the week. He now has the new tracks listed on his site. Definitely not MSRP... decisions, decisions!! Cheers
Yes the lower price makes the swap that much more appealing.
Yes the lower price makes the swap that much more appealing.
What's his price for a 137" ? i couldn't find any tracks on there site
They should specify that in their specifications for all to see....

I'd certainly give one a try if I didn't stud aggressively. I like the looks of it better than the IceRipper. Love the fact that the studs stick up higher. Not going to be a drag race track, but going to provide good safety traction for the average trail rider. Just wont hook up a 270-300 HP machine if one is looking for that kind of aggressive type performance, but certainly better than screw in studs, IceRipper track or a bare track for certain.

Hopefully the lugs are not weak and going to be ripping out prematurely. Be a great trail speed track without the weight of normal studs and backers robbing the big speeds. @Fleecer, you seeing this?
Well said as usual.
Still can't believe FLEECE rides with NO studs at all at the speeds he runs!!!
Well said as usual.
Still can't believe FLEECE rides with NO studs at all at the speeds he runs!!!

Well no studs or just a minimal amount of studs is very fast if your looking for speed. You will easily kill off 10 MPH or more by adding a drag type stud package depending on how fast one wants to go. I like to go quick from A-B in 660-1000 foot and want to get there first, so studs are absolutely needed there along with a proper pattern, but not needed for absolute speed on a packed snow surface, they in fact hinder that effort of top speed. It takes power to pus a stud in and pull it out and drag that weight around the track, not to mention regular studs are cutting the track cords and allowing the track to balloon and rob speed much easier.

In speed runs I'd always run an absolute min. amount of short studs and most of them would be in the hooker plates for the mim. amount of weight, no where near a drag race setup stud package. Just need to decide what's most important. ET or speed, cause you're not going to get both unless you're running mega more power than the guy next to you.
So, I pre ordered one. I figured adding a new track and EPS to my 18 with all the bells and whistles would be a little cheaper than starting over on a 25.
Anybody else pre order one? I did and it was shipped out by CB Performance on Monday, due to arrive tomorrow (Wednesday). Will take some pics and post them once it arrives.
Anybody else pre order one? I did and it was shipped out by CB Performance on Monday, due to arrive tomorrow (Wednesday). Will take some pics and post them once it arrives.
Share the pics if you got them!!

I went ahead and ordered one today. Bruce has some on order so not sure when they'll come in.:letsnow:
I have yet to unwrap it, still all coiled up with the wrap on it. I just finished with the EPS install except checking toe in/out. Track change is up next but with this heat not to motivated at this point to dive into it. So, with what I can see it looks really badass, definitely looking forward to how well it performs.
What are the thoughts on damaging a lug and having one of the studs come flying out? How safe will it be and for how long?
What are the thoughts on damaging a lug and having one of the studs come flying out? How safe will it be and for how long?
I would have to say I have full trust in camso pre-studded products. Over 7000 miles on my ice cobra before swapping it last fall with another one.

Plenty of studs were ground off, but no noticeable pull outs, or fly outs. Not saying it cannot happen, but nothing I would worry about at all. Stud protection of course is needed inside the tunnel though, just like studs.
