New Engine in 2016 Vipers and Other Changes


your always a glass half full guy. Lol
I try to be. Leads to less disappointment in life. Everytime I buy something there is something even if its just some jerk who tells me how he paid 1000 $ less or something. Dangit I was so happy when $ was plunked down it sucks to have that party bashed. I tend to block it out and just remember how happy I was that day deal was done.
Mine looks like Pjw350s, they both came from the same dealer.
Mine looks like Pjw350s, they both came from the same dealer.
i recieved my bag but havent heard anything on the peformance damper? how about you swampcat.
Mine looks like Pjw350s, they both came from the same dealer.
Can you guys take a pic of the Cam Chain tensioner? Not that they just changed the valvecover. Cripes a YXZ motor is 998cc cant believe they would put that in there without saying anything.
Yeah if this is true, its going to get INTERESTING. No damper for me yet either. Drove off and left bag at dealer. Will be back there SOONER than later. Cannondale, Pjw is going to have to be in charge of pictures, because I am electronically challenged
So this is the new Vector engine with NO drive by wire ? Or just a completely DIFFERENT engine ? Or a old engine with some tweeks ? I dont want to be NO STINKIN GUINEA PIG!!!!!
I can't believe this big of change with the engine and we are just figuring it out now.
This is all the info you could ask about YXZ motor. Compare it. Maybe it was just valve cover. I will say this. The dealers did not know. They find out at dealer meeting. No info at all regarding engine specs for 16 Vipers exists yet. There is definitly a breakdown of info with this Cat/Yamaha deal and after 3 years it still hasnt been fixed. All Vector manuals and info has been available for at least a month already. So Japan does it right. Sucks.
Like I said should be called 16.5 they have been doing this every year now. Its nuts.
Always tought that the engine in the 2016 Viper's were the same as the previous Viper's and the Nytro's. But when I meet my dealer yesterday to pick up my new sled, he said the engine was new this year. Never heard anything about that before, but when checking the part numbers and assembly photos, i see there in noticable differences, especially in the crank and head.
And when looking at the head, crank and crankcase assembly part numbers, they are only matching 2016 models, where 2015 numbers match sleds all the way back to 2008 Nytros.

Anybody have more info on why, and what they changed?
I tought this engine was bullet proof, so why change it?

2015 Head assembly:

2016 Head assembly:

2015 Crank:

2016 Crank:

2015 Camshaft:

2016 Camshaft:
this is worrying ,e especially. i have an early build 2016 ltx le. it seems i have the "old" engine. sooo maybe not that cool
