New gears for a new chain???


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Feb 18, 2016
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N Syracuse
23 SRX
N Syracuse
I think my bottom seal in my chaincase was leaking and I didn’t realize it on a trip in Quebec. The chain was jumping the sprocket so we ripped it apart in a hotel parking lot and tightened the adjuster all the way in(it was only a couple turns) and I was good to go again. 150 miles after the adjustment and it started jumping again I left it and had to ride a skidoo to go get truck and trailer. When I opened it up at home maybe 3-4 tablespoons of oil came out. The sightglass looked full because I overfill it but really it was just burnt oil. I need 2 new seals, 2 new bearings, and both chains. Should I replace the gears too even if they’re not messed up? I knew what was happening and didn’t make it jump too much. I thought I remember hearing to replace all so they match and wear together. The sled has 11,000 miles. I’ll give amsoil credit with their 75w90 full synthetic oil, I rode it 165 miles with little oil in there.


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If the teeth on your gears do not appear damaged in anyway, for example chips or grooves or sharp edges, then I would reuse them.
FYI - I have a set of Thundercat (24/50) gears and chain if you wanted to try that ratio and get a new set. I think they have 500 miles on them.
That is the ugliest chain case internals I have ever seen! Look like the internals of a Diesel engine that has was having oil changes neglected and full of sludge.

I'd be suspect of all the internals there in regards to metal shavings and everything being worn out seeing all that sludge everywhere like that. From the looks of it, you'll be changing lots of items in that chain case.

Questions that need some answers.
Did the oil ever get changed in its lifetime?
Why is the chain so loose and yet its totally out of adjustment?
Are the bearings out of the driven and/or jackshaft or both?
At any point did you ever change gears? If so are you sure you didn't put the wrong (silent chain gear) in there causing a huge amount of wear?
I change the oil every fall.
The bearings are still intact.
I never changed gears or chain, all stock.
The inside of the chaincase was always spotless at every oil change. It looks like I painted it with rustolium. I think it got very hot and cooked the oil in there and really stretch the chains. I wonder if those chains were glowing. Lol
Nasty. I dont think I would use any of it.
So it ran out of fluid and or leaked. Check for inner chaincase damage? Did you hit anything? Seen these cases crack real easy and or a ear break off where the screws go through. Typically inner case edge. Check it good with a strong light with sled on stand. Lots of break cleaner. Hairline cracks that weep fluid. Just throwing ideas out. I would want to know where the fluid is leaking?
I’m thinking of ordering the parts and throwing it together for one last ride. I am pretty amazed it stayed together. So if the gears are good do you guys think I can reuse them with a new hyvo chain? Yamaha main chain is on back order till June, anyone know cheapest place for a chain. What do I need to know to order from a non Yamaha place, 86 link, 15 wide or 7/8? Is there a pitch #?
Hurricane stocks chains. I’d do gears too .
I have a complete set of New/take-off stock chain case innards from my 2020 XTX LE for sale. $500 USD plus shipping. Cost new is over $1,000. PM if interesested
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I’m thinking of ordering the parts and throwing it together for one last ride. I am pretty amazed it stayed together. So if the gears are good do you guys think I can reuse them with a new hyvo chain? Yamaha main chain is on back order till June, anyone know cheapest place for a chain. What do I need to know to order from a non Yamaha place, 86 link, 15 wide or 7/8? Is there a pitch #?
Hurricane, TD, Scott Taylor, Cat
Check your upper case bearing CAREFULLY. I had a small ratcheting so I opened it up and my chain was loose. I tightened it up and checked other stuff quickly. I replaced upper gear because I had one. 200 miles later, no ratcheting and all is good. 205 miles catostrophic failure of upper chain case bearing. I think the original issue was that the upper bearing was worn and created the play in the chain. I assumed it was stretch. My gears are all good still.
Check your upper case bearing CAREFULLY. I had a small ratcheting so I opened it up and my chain was loose. I tightened it up and checked other stuff quickly. I replaced upper gear because I had one. 200 miles later, no ratcheting and all is good. 205 miles catostrophic failure of upper chain case bearing. I think the original issue was that the upper bearing was worn and created the play in the chain. I assumed it was stretch. My gears are all good still.
How many miles on the bearing?
That one had too many and I take responsibility for that. Probably 18,000km. I replaced both on the other side but the ones in the case felt smooth as silk last spring when I changed my track. I attributed that to them being bathed in oil all the time. I change chain case oil every year. All will be new for next year.
