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NY ride #2

Trails still look good from what I saw driving home from work and over to Virgil afterward. Right here in Marathon we could use more snow but unless we get snow every few days it always looks that way. Friday afternoon the temperature is going to head back down to more favorable snowmobile weather. I plan on going out so you might as well come on down. We'll check things out. Definitely hoping we get some of the lake effect snow forecast for Sat. Supposed to be a NW wind so should work in our favor around here.

Gordon and I completed 95 miles and had a very nice pork spiedie lunch at the Brackel Bar and Grill. Trails south of Marathon are very thin. North of town woods have a few thin spots mostly in corners, fields are surprisingly well covered with snow and seasonal roads ROCK. Hope we get some snow overnight because if it just gets cold the trails will be hard. We are getting ready to head out and grab a pizza for dinner.
Very windy and snowy all day, made it tough to see at times. Seven of us left Three Bear at 9:30 am. Got back about 8pm with 168 miles. Made the loop around Skaneateles Lake.

Not sure yet where we are heading tomorrow but hopefully the damn wind stops. Should be a great day for a ride.
Clear and sunny. Seven of us once again left Marathon about 9:30 am after completing an all you can eat pancake breakfast at the fire station. Didn't see many sleds all day, actually was breaking trail in several spots. Spent some time at Hope Lake Lodge and water park checking the place out and having a drink.
Was going to take Steve for one of those world famous Homer burgers he's been craving but due to time we didn't make it there. He had to settle for a Brackel burger and I don't think he'll ever forgive me :hide:

Back to Marathon just after 5 pm with 122 miles. Steve and both Johns heading home. Kevin may drive back up from Hop bottom, PA to join us again in the am. Another 3-5 forecast for tonight so Monday should be another great day to ride ;)! :yam: :4STroke:
Monday four of us headed out at 9:30 am in fresh powder. Never saw another sled until we had over 50 miles. Didn't see too many more the rest of the day. Trails in LaFayette, Truxton, McGraw and Marathon were all recently groomed and fast. Ended the day back at Marathon about 4:45 pm with 175 miles. Wish I could ride again tomorrow but I unfortunately it's time to go back to work :o|

Glad some were able to come ride a day or two. Maybe next year we can get a bigger group to show up.
Thanks to RX-1 MAN(Dave) for guiding our 4 day ride. Trails were better then I expected. Todays riding was fantastic, too bad Steve, John, Kevein and John could not make it. They missed the best day of the 2nd NY ride. In fact all 4 missed the best two days of the ride, being Friday and Monday. Honk, you missed some great riding in the Southern Tier. Hope your trails out in Western NY this past weekend were as good as those we had for NY ride #2. Back home, I had 7" to plow out of my driveway, and despite last weeks mini thaw, I still have a snowpack of 23".
X2 Thanks to RX-1Man for leading the group out of Marathon every day. Definitely some great riding to be had down that way. Wish we had better weather on Saturday for the ride around Lk. Skanteatles..was windy and snowing hard but we still managed 160 miles fo the day, which was pretty good, conditions considered. But the great weather on Sunday more than made up for it....clear blue skies and sunshine most of the day....couldnt have asked for better conditions.

Screw the Homer burger......that Brackle burger was pretty darn good! Have to to keep Brackle Bar in McDonough on the list of stops over that way.

Thanks again and great riding with and seeing everyone.
RX-1 man- Thanks for leading the group. Had a great time and really enjoyed the Southern Tier. Looking forward to riding with everyone again in the future!
Indeed a great ride! Great seeing every one and really enjoyed myself. Always look forward to these gatherings. Dave (RX-1 Man) did a great job as always.....kudos to him! Unfortunately we never made it to the Outpost for a Homer burger, we rode there Monday but they were closed!! Below are a few pics of our ride, including one of me in 2005 enjoying the medium sized Homer burger! Figured I post this so those who have never been can see what they missed. There's always next time!



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Viperman, thanks for the great pictures. May have to designate you the official casual ride photographer!

Bet you finished that medium burger though ;)!
