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NY ride #2

Like I posted before, looks like 40ish on Wed, 45 with some possible showers on Thursday, 50 on Friday with a chance of a shower, should be back in the high 20's on Saturday and Sunday, probably back in the 30's on Monday. I just came up Rt. 81 from Lancaster Pa. this afternoon. Bighamton area had alot of grass showing. Whitney point, had full coverage, but looked fairly thin, maybe 5-8" on the ground. Around Marathon and North, it still looked pretty decent. Trails looked rough up by Layfette. We still have about a 26" base aroud my house. Dave do you think Marathon will survive a 3 day thaw? There Should not be much rain, but could get some strong warm winds. Keep us posted.

If we don't get much rain I think it will be okay. Had a cold night yesterday with snow and today/tonight remain cold. We've had a lot more snow than last season and have a good base. Noticed trail was freshly groomed through Little York as I came down I-81 today from work. Sleds have been going by my house tonight on a regular basis. Conditions for our ride will not be as good as they have been lately in some spots but I believe it will be way better than it was during last year's ride from here. Getting out of town will be sketchy I'm sure. Can always trailer out of town a little if need be. I'm not the one with motel reservations so those coming into town will have to decide if they want to cancel or come take their chances.
Scratch me coming into town Friday afternoon/night. Forgot it was my birthday on Friday and had plans with the fam damily!

I'll be rolling in early Saturday morning

Bluertx, let me know if you're interested in sharing the ride up from down our way. I will be going up early Saturday morning (leaving 5-5:30am'ish) and leaving after riding on Sunday evening.
I'm looking to ride Sat and Sunday and possibly Monday (sick day). I've no reservations but personally would prefer a Marathon based ride. Happy Birthday Steve.....you're catching up to us old farts!

Steve, you know you're getting old when you forget your birthday :tg:


Excell has my sled done and I'll be picking it up today!
Glad too see the sled is done. Im going back to work today as always home early sat morn 300am ish and try to sleep in parking lot in marathon. See you all on Sat. Hopefully snow will stay good.
Steve happy b-day u old fart
If you are coming to ride Sat., Sun. or Mon. please be at Three Bear parking lot fueled and suited up for a 9am departure. Friday will be 10am. Hope you can join us!

Anyone just coming for a day ride should park at Lovell Field. You can get to it by taking Brink St. off Rte. 11 across from Three Bear.

Also, check this post frequently for any possible changes in venue or trip cancellations due to this damn warm up. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed we can still make it happen.
I let the wife go out with me for her first ride of the season today. I knew the trails would be awsome, because PBS snow trails show is touring and riding central NY this week. They rode the Oswego county trails yesterday. They stayed in Rome last night and were riding the Oneida county trails today. They are riding Lewis county tomorrow, and Herkermer county trails on Friday. So I knew all the trails around me would be in mint condition for their ride today. What a beautiful day to ride. Sunny skies until 1 PM when some light snow fell, and temps in the low 30"s I had a high today of 34. I'll see you Friday morning, I'll be wearing a yellow rain jacket.
What, no matching rain jacket for the new sled? Worst case is we ride Friday evening when it cools down. I'm trying not to get too depressed about the miserable weather that's coinciding with our upcoming ride. I did pick up my sled tonight. They put some Excell stickers on my hood and gave me a free hat. I feel better now ;)!
Sounds good John. You need a room at 3 Bear? I just booked a single tonight, can change it to a double. Let me know.

Give a call to discuss our departure for Saturday morning. (201)206-9125
Dave, I will be there by 10 AM, unless you don't want to ride Friday. Looks like a couple showers early on, but they should be out of there by mid morning. Two cold fronts coming through, one Friday afternoon, and one Saturday late morning. First cold front should be dry, second cold front may have some snow with it. Lets hope so, to freshen the trails up. Went for a 60 mile ride today. High temp was 42. Trails were good, but a little soft. No water holes yet. Sun night, a weather system will role in, could be snow or rain. I'm leaning toward snow at this time, but I'm not real familar with the weather in the Southern Tier. See you tomorrow morning unless you tell me otherwise. BBA(BIG BLACK APEX)
