Nyper build thread

How about alumin
Need to revisit paneling for the tunnel sides. Local plastic supplier has 4x8 sheets of .060 HDPE for $188. Thinking of maybe cutting the side pieces out of this and then just zip tying them in a few spots to the frame tubes? Would be easier than welding tabs and using rivets. Any thoughts?

I was going to do carbon fiber panels but HDPE is light, durable, snow won’t stick to it and it would be much easier to work with. It would only be for the sides, around the header and flex pipes will have to be aluminum to handle the heat. Was originally thinking of using some .040 7075 sheet I have but snow sticks to aluminum no matter what you coat it with and it’s heavier than HDPE.
Need to revisit paneling for the tunnel sides. Local plastic supplier has 4x8 sheets of .060 HDPE for $188. Thinking of maybe cutting the side pieces out of this and then just zip tying them in a few spots to the frame tubes? Would be easier than welding tabs and using rivets. Any thoughts?

I was going to do carbon fiber panels but HDPE is light, durable, snow won’t stick to it and it would be much easier to work with. It would only be for the sides, around the header and flex pipes will have to be aluminum to handle the heat. Was originally thinking of using some .040 7075 sheet I have but snow sticks to aluminum no matter what you coat it with and it’s heavier than HDPE.

How about aluminium rivet nuts and alumium screws to hold up body panels?
Played around with the HDPE tonight on the clutch side. Only made it as large as necessary to keep my boots out of the track. My plan for the all the tube work is to wrap it in UHMW tape after it’s painted to keep snow from sticking to it.

Anywho, started out with it in 2 pieces.

Quickly realized I could do it a lot cleaner in 1 piece and also run it up to the bearing plate.

It secured with 13 zip ties and plenty rigid with the zip ties pulled tight.


Initial thoughts.
- super easy to cut with tin snips
- lightweight, that piece is only 0.49 lbs w/ zip ties
- snow won’t stick to it
- easy to confirm to the tube work
- no need to cut and weld tabs or rivet aluminum pieces

I’m not dead set on using it. I just wanted to get a finished piece made to see what it weighed, what it looked like and if it would be stiff enough to keep a boot out.

