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Observations-ECP-K+N's, RX-1, clutching

Thanks everyone for the nice coments. To answer a few of the questions. Yes, I do run a RX-1 stocker. I can tell you I love the sled. It is one of the finest machines I have ever thrown a leg over! It is however, not up to the task of running in the 6.20-6.30 range yet, where the f-7's are running. On "the trail" yes, I can beat every sled in and above its class. One must remember though that the f-7 can simply reprogram the cdi to produce in excess of 152 HP. To find as much increase in the four-stroke and do it without cheating is very tough. Remember the rx is about 130# heavier. Its all about power to weight and getting it to the ground efficiently! I'm getting very close and it may be possible next year, now that they have taken another 30# off the chassis. Yes, Yamaha is supporting the turbo effort along with Bender. However, it came together only only 3 weeks before the series. In testing it was discovered that I had a bad cdi box and wasted three valuable days chasing a severe engine missfire. Thinking I had solved the problem and now starting to throw weight at the clutch to get it off thr rev limiter is again started missing. Not before it ran some very impresive numbers though. I had to decide to not attend the series this year as the missing was getting worse. It was just the fact I got off to a late start and needed everything to go right to fit in the time frame we were working in. As it turned out, the gremlins showed up and stuck around for too long. As far as racing the asphalt. Yes I would love to get out there and reset the record at a much lower # with the RX-1. We'll see what Yamaha says next week. It will be a major effort to excede the #'s I ran with the v-max4 ,but I think given enough time, and of course money, it is attainable. Sorry for any questions I may have missed. Thanks, Mike Knapp #17
Mighty, My favorite clutching for the trail is the STOCK SETUP! Once properly broke in its the best trail setup around.
I think I should eloborate a little more on this issue. I was a big proponent of Heavy hitters on my 03 RX-1 based on the seat of the pants performance. Unfortunately, I installed them right from the get go and didn't really have anything to compare it to. I did fool with a buddy with an 800 REV while I was stock, but I only had 20 miles on my sled at the time, he dusted me. At 50 I installed the HH's and dusted the same REV. I think the HH's put the engine in the power band quicker because it was tight. After putting some miles on my Warrior, I can definately feel the increase of power with it's stock clutching. The problem us guys have is that we want it now! We don't want to wait for our 4-strokes to break in. 2 strokes don't help our rationing either, being that a 2-stroke is at full power within 100 miles or so of new or after a rebuild.
Welcome Mike,

Congrats on your successful racing career. That's quite an achievment 8)

Thanks for the clutching suggestion too. That's practical, refreshing advice coming from an experienced racer. :D Practical, but tough to take sometimes :wink:
I know its not what alot of people want to hear. You must remember though that the ''trail setup" is full of compromise. You may be racing down a hard packed road one minute, and into the deep snow the next. I make my own clutch weights for racing. I have a $9000 data acuisition computer onboard that I record every run I make, and I can tell you that the setup changes with EVERY PASS! I think the biggest joke the aftermarket has is the clutch kit! That is the reason I haven't gone into buisness. I can't lie, or take peoples money knowing I just sold them a bill of goods. Thats not to say you can't improve on a setup, just that there is not a "one size fits all setup". What works for drag racing on ice in 660, will not work on the snow, or in a speed run, like alot of companies would like you to belive. The bigest thing you can do with these RX-1's is to put miles on them. I know they don't RPM the first 1000 miles. It is my opinion that it takes at least 3000 miles before they free up enough to pull the stock clutching. Think about that for a minute, the big 800-900 twins ar rebuilding clutches at 2500 miles, and replacing pistons at 4-5000 miles, and the Yamaha is just getting broke in there! I know its tough to wait that long and get beat by another brand the first few miles. If you can tough it out and put on 2500 miles the tide will turn and you will have the last laugh. At that point you will have them scrambling. Break in is cruicial! It will pull the stock clutching in time and the ECP kit is a no brainer that just works with it that much better. Mike Knapp #17
Heavy Hitters alone arn't a clutch kit. I to think Clutch kits are a joke. The nice thing abouthte heavy hitters is you can run just about any combination "Helix, Secondary spring, Rollers and Primary spring".

The stock clutching is Garbage for my style of riding.

The stock clutching is setup for all around use "Deep snow, Lake running, trail riding. However the one thing it really sucks at is flat excelleration. My lake setup works ok in the trail is a dog in deep snow!!!! The steep starting abgle helix I use is terrible for deep snow. Does it run in deep snow yes. However the settings I use arn't opptimal for that condition.
Hi son ,After mom rolled your sled I didnt think you would have time to do any posting. I figured u would be busy repairing. You are right about miles on the sleds,I cant believe the way your sleds run, Great rides.Thanks again for every thing, Your other Dad :wink:
I think there may be a top speed issue. At the Soo I-500 the RX 1's all struggled to reach speeds that the dyno numbers they generated should have been easy. I would like to see if installing the old Polaris check valves in the carb vent lines would help. I would try running the vent lines to the area just in front of the filters to see if that helped as well. Freddie,as you know I have your kit and a delighted with the way it works in my sled. The acceleration and driveability have improved dramatically and my fuel economy is better as well. In my case riding the trails I do I will never see 100 mph so top end is not an issue. In my opinion anyone who mentions snowmobile and fuel economy in the same sentence is nuts.Talk about an oxymoron. What we should be talking about is range. My RX-1 has a greater range than anyone I have ever ridden with. The only sled that comes close is a REV 600 SDI.
ive got a theory on this-
ive built a lot of small/big block car engines for drag racing and i know how important crankcase evacuation is to ring sealing
lets just suppose that because freddies kit just "vents" the crankcase where as the factory actually supplies a suction thereby creating negative pressure in the crankcase-so at higher rpm the rings actually seal better against blowby-which would cause more oil to pass them and be forced out into the little filter-this lack of vacuum in the crankcase may also account for "ring flutter" at higher engine speeds-
my 03 shorty has freddies kit and i can tell you it is a joy to ride this thing,but i too had a slight loss of top end-well i got my top end back when i was in canada last week-116gps-all i did was run hoses into the mouth of freddies filters from the crankcase tube and now ive got my vacuum in the crankcase-
i dont have a digital cam so i cant get you pics-i suppose ive gotta get into this century huh-you are more than welcome to stop by my shop-im 20 min from you-in stanfordville
