I too would say freeze up of the linkages or tight bushings. EPS works great on my 23 with no glitches. My buddy has a 23 SRX though that the EPS may or may not work on startup, doesn't throw codes. I was wonder if a sticky switch or relay for the EPS, but its intermittent on if it works on his sled on working or not.
My 23 srx after start up the power steering did not work a hand full of times, I shut the sled off and restarted and it was all good. No codes.
I haven’t noticed any of the lock up on my riot 9000 this year but have had to shut down and restart a handful of times. You definitely no it when the PS doesn’t engage, otherwise no issues and I absolutely love it.
So I want to know why the EPS doesn't work sometimes so we can fix my buddies machine. I looked in the fuse box of my 23 last weekend looking for a relay, thinking one could easily change that out, but no relay for the EPS, there was a fuse however. I'm thinking whatever energizes the EPS is causing the intermittent EPS issue of it not working when starting the machine at certain times. Someone stated voltage regulator, but what in or about the voltage regulator would cause the EPS to not function? I doubt there is any switch or relay in the voltage regulator to cause a EPS issue.

It sounds like he's not the only one have this intermittent issue with the EPS not working when starting the sled various times. You shouldn't have to shut the machine off and restart it to get it to work... It should work every time the machine starts.
So I want to know why the EPS doesn't work sometimes so we can fix my buddies machine. I looked in the fuse box of my 23 last weekend looking for a relay, thinking one could easily change that out, but no relay for the EPS, there was a fuse however. I'm thinking whatever energizes the EPS is causing the intermittent EPS issue of it not working when starting the machine at certain times. Someone stated voltage regulator, but what in or about the voltage regulator would cause the EPS to not function? I doubt there is any switch or relay in the voltage regulator to cause a EPS issue.

It sounds like he's not the only one have this intermittent issue with the EPS not working when starting the sled various times. You shouldn't have to shut the machine off and restart it to get it to work... It should work every time the machine starts.
Exact same thing happens to a 22 GT that went North with us last month.
I don't think its the voltage regulator directly but it could be a byproduct of startup voltage. The voltage regulator isn't doing anything during startup, it requires the engine to be running. If however the the startup voltage sags for too long it may keep the EPS circuit from initializing.
I believe earthling is correct, my buddy had a low voltage scenario last ride out, by keeping his key on fooling around with his gps. His dealer told him by keeping the key on and accessories powered up, the power steering draws power, max he said 10 to 15 min, more than that you risk draining the battery below the min required amperage for the power steering to activate.
Wifes riot didnt have power steering the first time we started it picking it up at the dealer and one other time shortly after and never acted up again. My riot has never acted up once. I always check soon as I lift the kill switch before starting so if it wasnt working I could just hit the kill switch and try again instead of having to restart sled. Thats how we noticed the 2nd time it acted up on wifes sled. She hit killswitch down and back on and it was good to go. This happened to hers before it had 50 miles on the clock. Never gain and she has 1500-1600 miles………im at 3100miles.
The other issue could be noise spikes on startup. If I get a chance today I will hook up the oscilloscope to see how noisy the power rail is on startup. As a side note, the EPS module gets the same power feed from red/white as everything else, straight from the regulator.
So reading between the lines here, It sounds like if there is not enough voltage, it will not power up the EPS?

A weak battery would be the culprit? Or a starter that draws down the voltage too much?

If the voltage isn't there the EPS wont come to life..... That makes no sense either as when the engine lites, voltage draw stops from the starter and the voltage rises from a running engine the EPS does not come to life at that point. Why and how is this possible the EPS doesn't come on line after the engine lites up and runs? What actually switches on the EPS? Has to be a relay somewhere I'd think. I was thinking a corroded relay, switch or something.
So reading between the lines here, It sounds like if there is not enough voltage, it will not power up the EPS?

A weak battery would be the culprit? Or a starter that draws down the voltage too much?

If the voltage isn't there the EPS wont come to life..... That makes no sense either as when the engine lites, voltage draw stops from the starter and the voltage rises from a running engine the EPS does not come to life at that point. Why and how is this possible the EPS doesn't come on line after the engine lites up and runs? What actually switches on the EPS? Has to be a relay somewhere I'd think. I was thinking a corroded relay, switch or something.

Who knows, it isn't unusual to have a circuit react poorly to noise or voltage sag. Either condition means that the module in question no longer has an adequate voltage reference and therefore won't work properly. If it makes that decision up front, then it is likely going into safety. The second start is most likely quicker thereby bypassing the problem. I did not get a chance to throw the scope on the winder today but will try this week.
I believe this is a CANbus signal interruption, I would check the harness/connector at the PS head and put a couple twists and reconnect.(larger connector that contains 3 wires, these are CBH & CBL along with key power)
The ECU sends command to module on PS head to initiate power function, suspecting signaling latency is too long causing this miss initialization.
CANbus harnesses are twisted to prevent interference also to ensure the signal is uniform.
Also there is no mechanical relay in this system.
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The EPS is activated once the key is turned on. The engine does not need to be running. If the kill switch is operated it will cut the steering, same as turning the key off. I've never heard a relay activated. If someone has a shop manual there should be an electrical diagram to help understand how it works. My voltage regulator was faulty right from new. Sled ran off the battery until it dropped down to like 10 volts and then quit. Once replaced at the dealership the mechanic was on the computer checking the current draw and said it was huge like 50 amps when the PS was activated. Has worked flawlessly since then, other than my high speed turning as mentioned previously.
